Hee. I'll just leave this here... http://rpattzhateshislife.tumblr.com/
Hee. I'll just leave this here... http://rpattzhateshislife.tumblr.com/
I feel like Daniel Radcliffe's starting material was a lot better than Robert Pattinson's. People generally like/respect Harry Potter stuff. Twilight... not so much.
Most of the people I know don't have health insurance, myself and my partner included. It's not nearly as universally (ha!... sadface) available as it used to be even ten years ago.
Mountains over beaches any day of the week. Sign me up!
Disagree on "maliciously gleeful". Considering this and other things Lindy has said about Lohan in the past, she's really hoping Lohan will make it... but is preparing for disappointment. Honestly, it's part of the cycle of caring for an addict. Hope is hard.
Okay, so here's the secret:
I've been known to complain to Subway managers that I'm unable to write a tip onto a credit slip there, so... I dunno about this. Some people just enjoy giving, especially those who know how rough it can be to survive on tips.
Bisexual lady here, and I and my bisexual lady roommate both cringe when he's onscreen. Team Alex Vause. :(
Thank you! I am sick unto death of people saying she should compromise for him. Shonda has gone on record saying that will NEVER HAPPEN, and that Shonda herself is irritated that people think it should.
With you 100%. The central relationship in Grey's is Cristina/Meredith. And Cristina is FAR AND AWAY my favorite character. Dunno what I'm gonna do after season 10...
YOU GUYS. Who's attending Hempfest this weekend? Hmm?
Pump Up The Volume. That's all I gotta say~
I can believe he threatened to kill himself if Nigella wouldn't take him back. It's a classic last-gasp abuser tactic. Mine did it to me.
The hypocrisy of it irks the shit out of me, yeah.
I'd also like to know the answer to this! It seems like such a bizarre song and dance after the guy she really wanted dumped her.
I super-hated her too, for the first 3-4 episodes. But she's grown on me. I won't spoil you, but there's hope — I feel like her family and friends on the outside are actually the bad influences on her.
To anyone who's distinctly uncomfortable in religious settings, it can be a dealbreaker.
Whoops! Thanks, sorry. It's a slow caffeine Sunday around here.
I'm torn on this. On one hand, institutionalized sexism; misogyny is a thing, misandry isn't. It'd be more problematic if he did it to a woman because of the inherent socialized pressure women face that demands compliance and niceness from us.
As a fellow Seattleite, I just want summer to go away so we can get our nice cool overcast winter weather back. I left VA to get away from this crap!