
I still have a hole beneath my lip from my vertical labret, which has been out for at least five years now. It's not terribly noticeable, though, unless I stretch the skin there to make it apparent. Dunno about cheek piercings.

oh my god that gif just made my morning

Aww. They'll be there later, whenever you need 'em. :D

These puppies will run toward you with their tails wagging AS LONG AS YOU WANT THEM TO via the magic of looped Youtube.

I sobbed like twenty babies because of that episode!

I still haven't caught up with Doctor Who because I'm not over Ten's leaving yet. :( Pathetic but true.

Internet high five for solidarity! (Also hell yeah Canon glass)

My (perhaps outdated) understanding is that collies are one of the breeds that has been bred for show dog qualities in recent times, and that collies from those gene pools don't have the smartness that characterizes most sheepdogs. Could be wrong, though.


True pre-caffeine story: I skimmed through and thought I saw "Josh Malina passed away" and had a panic moment about my favorite pair from Scandal. DABBY FOREVER.

I'm so glad I'm not the only person who has no idea how to properly pluralize that word.

That's a thing? That people do?

Perpetual grossness machine!


100% agreed. I like the business model, and the ability to throw my money at the very specific things I want.

Where, indeed. :(

Threads like these are why I keep reading Jezebel. Just a statement of general admiration.

I have the weirdest ladyboner right now.

If someone forced me to pick a role in that situation... man, I just couldn't, even theoretically. How universally horrible.

Thanks for posting this. It's excellent food for thought. I'll probably spend a good portion of the day chasing my tail mentally over the rights of defendants to a fair trial versus the damage done by defenses like this one, but I don't see that as a bad thing, honestly. It's worth thinking about.