And I'm imagining your namesake replying, which means your reply makes me extra-happy. High five!
And I'm imagining your namesake replying, which means your reply makes me extra-happy. High five!
I think the most telling quote is about using "femininity to intoxicate men". It's the same old responsibility-shedding bullshit we've heard all our lives. It's not the poor dudes' faults, they were just bewitched by feminine wiles! Can't hold a poor fella responsible, right?
Does anyone else find the Britney item weirdly poignant? Like, I dunno, I'm glad she found a piece of art that speaks to her. Sometimes a person really needs that.
I love Peeps and licorice too. Unite!
Wait, so who is The Most Important Baby of Our Time? Is it Blue Ivy or the ProtoQueen? Inquiring minds want to know!
Yeah, that's true. Sometimes those stories are the most memorable bits of jobs gone past, really.
I sort of love you for doing that to the people who demand smiles, haha. But I feel bad for telemarketers, really. It's a shitty job that very few people would choose unless they were hard up for employment, and "hard up for employment" describes a lot of people these days. I bet they HATE their jobs. :(
What ever happened to hallucinogens? They're definitely the cool kids, I agree.
I've grown tired of everyone worshiping irony. Irony can be funny, but it is rarely capable of expressing warmth or enthusiasm or sincerity. Is there something WRONG with warmth, enthusiasm, and sincerity? Because fuck that.
Ryan Lochte: abstract impressionist Tweeter.
Agreed. That's just disgusting.
Agreed with Sheepmountain, those words are meant to be coming from Boehner.
Don't read the comments. Definitely look at the puppy gif instead.
No lie, I wrote to her when I was a child and she WROTE BACK and that letter is probably still framed somewhere in my parents' storage. Pretty sure I read every single thing she wrote, because I hunted her books down through library catalogs and so on.
I think it is very reasonable to ask for no spoilers in the article titles, yeah. For people who watch it at release, a more coy headline would still tell them "Hey, this is about the most recent episode!" and would allow the rest of us to continue on without clicking.
Am I crazy for loving the cape ensemble in slide 6? Because I do.
Icicle, icicle, where are you going...
Yeah, I dunno. It sounds to me like this guy is on our side, and just has a hard time expressing things clearly.
Cosigned. The letter was actually pretty amusing in parts.
Let's see, Walt is a selfish angry unbending man who sexually assaults his wife and gaslights her until she finally calls him on his shit and leaves. Yep, rooting for her!