
I've had a lot of trouble watching Breaking Bad, and I normally don't shy away from difficult TV (I love The Wire). It's the characters, I think. I just don't find any of them interesting, and I can't cheer for any of them, except perhaps Skylar. The writing is great, the acting is amazing, but... god, I hate all

I love Grey's. No shame, just pride. I'll happily watch and support whatever Shonda puts on my TV. Colorblind casting, LGBT storylines and characters, strong female characters who have abortions because they choose to have abortions and that's all... Are there any other shows on network TV that are so warmly

Grey's Anatomy is wonderful, screw the haters. Solidarity!

I've watched a lot of TV shows, and I mean a LOT of TV shows, and The Wire is the best I've ever seen. Enjoy!

SO tempted to do that to my current BSG-watching-buddy. We just started season 3 (my second watch-through, his first), and so much good stuff is coming up...

I don't care if this sounds weird, but the show I've rewatched through the most is Grey's Anatomy. It's my comfort food. Cristina Yang forever.

Oh my gosh yes. I'm currently rewatching with a friend (just started season 3!), and he's not around NEARLY often enough to satisfy my cravings.

While I really did love the movie itself, I'll be honest: there's only one person I really care about seeing in the second movie's credits, and that person is Trent Reznor.

Jessica Chastain is gorgeous, but I'm reminded of advice I was given as a small red-headed child: redheads should never wear red. Is that wrong? Or outdated, or something?

I knoooow. I'm actually just starting season 5 (late bloomer, I am), and Prop Joe has been a favorite for a long time. This is so sad.

Heeeyyyy cool I can't figure out how to edit my post, so I guess I'll put this in another reply where people will hopefully see it.

I'm sorry, I didn't word the question well. I wasn't asking WHY we have more unplanned pregnancies, but how those three statistics interact numerically. It was a pure math question, unrelated to the content.

Ah haaa. Okay, thanks. I think you got my question better than some other people who replied, but that's really my fault — I don't think I worded it well. I wasn't questioning why poor women have more unplanned pregnancies, but how those three statistics interacted, if that makes sense. Wish I'd done more math in

Cripes. And to forestall anything else, I just wanna say that I am vehemently pro-choice. I can see some anti-choice people questioning the numbers as some kind of attack on the content, and that's not what this is. I'm just really puzzled.

So... stupid math question. I'm really befuddled. How can poor women have 5x the unintended pregnancy rate, 5x the abortion rate, AND 6x the unplanned birth rate? I understand that some of the abortions probably come from planned pregnancies (for various reasons, like birth defects or partners leaving or etc), but

Replying because I love this a lot. Smashing!

She pretty much always wins the internet, because GWS is the bestest webcomic. <3

Sayid >= Sawyer >>> Boone > all the other dudes. And Ben has a special space reserved in my heart, away from all this silly shallow judging*, because he will always be my Bug-Eyed Ben.

Oz is a dreamboat. Hubba hubba!

Do you have any advice for friends of extremely anxious people on how to encourage them to get (better) help? One of my best friends gets eaten alive by her anxiety on a daily basis; I see it negatively affect every aspect of her life. She has a therapist, but I honestly haven't seen much in the way of improvement.