Staxamillion McBucksley

I have very little doubt that she’s been eying a 2020 run. She’s following the Obama career progression playbook. I’m not certain it’ll work for her though. I can see her losing the primary to either Elizabeth Warren or Mark Warner. She would be an excellent VP choice for Warner, but I don’t know if she would be

LOL. You win this round, sir.

I thought that package was just for the 2018 RS Special Edition. Did I misread it? How many of those are coming to the states? And how absurd is that dealer markup going to be? I just need to know how big of a jar to get to store my quarters and bottle caps.

Complete agreement. It’s maddening. He should be about where Thiem is right now.

Have you seen Kyrgios? The guy on the other side of the net is always the lesser of his two opponents in any given match.

Completely agree. This was Comey tossing a hearty “fuck you” to Trump, but it certainly isn’t the main event. The Mueller investigation will continue, and it will uncover impeachment-level evidence because (1) OF COURSE the Trump campaign colluded with Russia, (2) OF COURSE Trump himself knew about it, and (3)

I can’t determine how exciting a game was by looking at the scores. The energy in several of those games was great. A lot of nervous tension from two fairly evenly matched teams that increasingly despised each other. Bonus points that the eventual series winner was very much in doubt. It might not have meant much,

You missed the Wizards/Hawks series? Both of the Wizards’ series were entertaining, if primarily just to watch John Wall spam the speed burst button and talk shit.

Those are good suggestions and good insight. It won’t matter. There is nothing the Cavs can do to stop two of history’s best shooters simultaneously. The Warriors will lose a game (probably Game 3), but it’ll be because of their own lack of focus or shots just not falling. The Cavs cannot dictate engagements

Yea, I don’t really see much asymmetry there, other than the deformed blowhole. I’m really curious why they felt the need to do that.

There is a Countryman JCW, which I guess sorta blurs the line between a hatch and a crossover. Unfortunately, it isn’t worth what it costs. But even the JCWs don’t come anywhere near the HP and torque figures that the FoST is offering.

The difference being that there were people who liked Grant Hill. Being talented doesn’t make you a star. Being likeable (and thus marketable) makes you a star. Being entertainingly unlikeable can make you a star, too, if you play it right. Does anyone like Lonzo Ball? Do they like him more than they dislike his

Remember Terrell Owens?

This is the correct answer. Thank you.

Add the fact that he’s like a 65% free throw shooter. So the options are:

Orlove, I think you’re looking at this the wrong way. Vanity plates are the absolute best way to identify the asshole that sideswiped your car and just drove off. If you live in the DC area, this comes in very handy.

There is a Jeep at the metro station every day who’s license plate is POON. It almost always makes me giggle. There’s a Camry somewhere in my area that has a MERCEDES license plate. Either Mercedes is a very ill-informed woman or that Camry has delusions of grandeur.

The way it was taught to me was:

Repeated, abrupt lane changes are a huge red flag. That person is (1) impatient and impulsive, and (2) continually caught off guard by what’s happening in front of and around him, which means he’s not paying attention to the road. Which also means he didn’t notice the car in his blind spot before doing his rage lane

You must be thinking about Virginia drivers. It’s a well-known fact in Maryland that the brake pedal is lava. We don’t touch that shit unless and until it is ABSOLUTELY necessary. And even then only for 1/100th of a second.