“Bobby Portis is a lesson in the cost of doing business with bad teams”
“Bobby Portis is a lesson in the cost of doing business with bad teams”
Thiem played great tennis for 2 sets and very good tennis for 2 sets, and that little dip in quality against Nadal, on clay, is all it takes to turn a competitive match into a 6-1, 6-1 thrashing. It’s an amazing and ridiculous and painful thing to watch and I love it so damn much.
I think part of it was just frustration that they didn’t move the match to Monday to give him a day to recover from the marathon against Novak. Not that an extra day would have significantly changed the outcome, but he probably would have had more fight left in the 3rd and 4th sets.
Murray was definitely knocking on the door of greatness, and was side-by-side with Novak on the outside looking in for a while. But then Novak said “fuck gluten,” which is apparently the correct password, and earned his way into that room. But it is a very small room, and Murray never got more than halfway in. But his…
It’s interesting that we’re all talking about trump when we could instead be laughing at how transparent Pelosi’s reverse psychology strategy is here. “I don’t want to impeach this guy, but I know you do. But what if I told you he WANTED to be impeached? Huh? What about that?!”
At some point the tour needs to invite him to not come to their events for a while. A year, maybe. Better yet, homie should consider hanging up the racket and going to do what makes him happy.
We all owe Ford a huge debt of gratitude for proactively cock blocking that nonsense.
Tesla wanted to call it the “Model E,” which Ford already had a claim on. But “e” alone is fine.
It’s like the batmobile fucked megatron (from the newer movies, obviously) and they had a baby, but the baby had fetal alcohol syndrome so they just kinda put it in a corner and ignored it. But the baby still grew to adulthood and is now a grossly overweight hoarder with crippling psychological issues. But its still…
All of this is correct and the only right answer. Touchscreens force you to look at them instead of looking at the road. That is bad and dumb. Buttons forever, at least for the high-use functions. Having to fiddle with a screen to raise/lower the windows is damn near criminally negligent design.
Giri, I’ve said this before and I will say it again: you are a goddamn excellent sports writer. Keep doing this good shit.
Nick Bosa got hurt in his 3rd game at Ohio State, and immediately peaced out of school to rehab and get ready for the NFL draft. Why go through the motions if they aren’t taking you where you want to be? Power to the players.
Weirdly, I don’t think I’ve run into a single real jerk in Legends yet. Everyone has either been neutral or cool chill. It’s like how Overwatch was supposed to be. I think maybe because most people play Legends with friends in private parties, the only ones communicating with randoms on mics are the folks who don’t…
The angle is pretty straightforward: Anything Elizabeth Warren supports is bad and evil. Same with AOC. Fox News is great at letting us know who they’re afraid of. If Warren came out tomorrow morning and said “I love sunny days,” Tucker would be on the air that night screaming that she’s going to FORCE YOU TO INSTALL…
Naw, you missed the winner. “I only used that word because THEY use that word! Double standard!!”
Headline should probably read “Trump Loses One Fight and Starts to Lose Another”. It takes a special kind of fool to escalate a losing confrontation.
Thanks for clarifying! I was so confused when I read that.
I believe the phrase is “never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”
I suspect we’ll see exactly that. Rafa is my favorite male tennis player ever, and I’m excited/nervous about that prospect.
Novak is fully and permanently embedded in Rafa’s head. I don’t think Rafa believes he can beat Novak, and he might be right.