Staxamillion McBucksley

Naw. This isn’t about the voters at all. The endgame is impeachment and removal from office, and that means getting something that even Senate Republicans won’t be able to gloss over. That probably means actual, significant criminal wrongdoing.

Yea, this is basically it on the nose. I was a hard Warren supporter in 2015-16, and I think this ancestry thing is the dumbest possible reason to stop supporting her now. Maybe the Howard Dean scream thing was dumber? But he’d just lost a primary contest so people were possibly looking for an excuse to jump off his

I think that’s because they don’t want people to spend 1000 gold each on the new character’s legendaries, then complain that they don’t have enough gold to get the event legendaries shortly afterward. It gives people like me, who aren’t going to pay for loot boxes, time to get our gold reserves back up. That’s nice of

Not even a nerf. They nuked the poor girl. She’s basically a NPC now. And so goes Goats.

Being a Mustang owner today must be like being a beer aficionado before the craft beer revolution. You’re always having to reframe people’s definitions of the thing you love. “Beer isn’t the problem, bad beer is the problem. Mustangs aren’t the problem, Mustang Idiots (proper noun) are the problem.”

wait, wait, WAIT, Mr. Fancypants!  Who said anything about “good”?

goddamn right, sir.

I once rented a Mitsubishi Lancer and spent several days unintentionally driving someone else’s Lancer who was staying in the same hotel. Both cars could be opened and operating using either key. The guy at the rental counter didn’t believe me until I took him outside, started the other car, and drove it to my rental

If I ever see someone with a filed down windshield wiper blade, they can just have the damn car.  That person has seen and done some shit...

haha.  Have you ever tried to drive a butter knife to work?  It’s inefficient.

The dude that stole mine still had the knife in there when he was caught.  The insurance adjuster showed me how easy it was.  Twist, twist: door unlocks.  Twist twist: car starts.  Fun!

You could steal an early 2000s-era Chrysler Sebring with a butter knife.  Ask me how I know.

I think a point people are missing here is that Mueller’s investigation is just ONE of several that potentially touches this president and this administration. Southern District of NY is still investigating the Trump Family’s extensive (alleged) criminal business conduct. Maryland and DC attorneys general are still

Won’t lie, that red interior made me feel things I wasn’t prepared for.  I’m all warm now.

It seems a bit premature to say this “doesn’t let the enthusiasts down” when we don’t know if the good engine has a 3rd pedal option.  But yes, it is a gorgeous looking car.  I love me some Mazdas.

I’m a lukewarm Ghostbusters fan, so I didn’t have any real urge to see this movie. But I was on a long ass flight so I let it play. And I laughed WAY more than I expected to. Then I told my wife to watch it, and she laughed all the way through it. That’s more than good enough for me. Yea, the movie has flaws,

I’ve been saying for a couple years now that the only way the NFL (and football in general) survives is if it transitions into flag football. You sidestep almost all of the player safety concerns and accompanying rule changes that are turning people off to the game, and you keep the athleticism and explosiveness that

These are legitimately fantastic reads. I’ve been playing chess (badly) my entire life, but only recently got into watching top-tier level games.  This is so exciting!

The only problem is that every player on the Wizards actively hates Otto Porter. Granted, they all hate each other too, but they ALL hate Porter. That suggests Porter is a big part of the problem. No team that is trying to actually win something is going to want to bring in a known toxic personality, much less a

Well alrighty then. The more you know!  Thanks for the link.