
TBH he probably just wanted to take his time with Game of Thrones.

A better man could have. I know my limits.

I feel like you could have gotten a couple more shrimp and cocktail sauces in there, honestly.

God I love Thomas’s opinions. He’s that guy who is 100% proof-positive that he’s the smartest guy in the room but keeps mispronouncing the SAT words he peppers into his speech. It’s amazing when he wakes up long enough to show his ass from the bench.


I own a BMW, use my turn signals, and only take up one space in a parking lot. Am I rare?

Can we also talk about the people who insist on backing in to parking places? Not just their driveway, but in busy fucking parking lots. It messes up the flow of everyone trying to park, and what is the point? I consider it a deal breaker on anyone I date. It’s trivial, stupid and small of me to judge one on that

Unless you own the parking lot, it is by definition not your problem. You don’t “have a right” to a space more than anyone else. Seeking needless confrontation is stupid in any circumstance.

If the lot has 15 cars and 100 spaces, the BMW driver could have just parked in one of the less desirable further away spots and run absolutely no risk of anyone parking in the adjacent spot. So even in practically empty lots there is no reason to park a single car across two stalls.

I mean, he’s right in a way, why should we really care? It doesn’t affect you in any way if there are a bunch of other spots. But our society is built on a shared set of largely unspoken rules, and it is rankling if someone so clearly places their own status above that of the others.

The kind of people who are sick of watching this world of self serving numb fuck dipshits act like this day in and day out, and not just on the roads and parking lots or with cars, and most of the time get away with it.

It’s the message that it sends. You’re essentially saying “My car is better than yours and I’m more important” to every other person.

This video has better production value than most Uwe Boll creations, and the actor’s really emoting. I’m impressed.

No. I know a lot of teachers, and they’re amazing people. Even the ones who have been doing it for a long time. Some people just start out shitty.

Bless her heart, in the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful.

Sounds like that Principal could really benefit from a talk on respecting everyone regardless of differences.

It must be noted that Clarence Thomas was the 1 in the 8-1 vote in a case that Scalia said was “really easy.”

I understand a New Yorker’s disdain for sandals considering the filth of the city in which you reside and the grounds on which it exists.

So Andrew McCutchen pays about $20,000 per month not to live in Pittsburgh?

Rape is included in sexual assault, but is not the same thing. Nobody here is saying that men are not sexually assaulted, or that it’s not a big deal when this happens to them. Someone who attempts to force themselves on a person—such as what happened to you— and fails will probably try again and succeed. That’s why