One of my friends has taken him in and given him codeine.
One of my friends has taken him in and given him codeine.
First it was Skittles, now it’s Tic Tacs having their good name sullied by this goddamn moldy circus peanut.
Not one who makes sense and can actually be elected, no.
Who’s more sensitive, someone who experiences emotional distress at discussions of sexual assault, or someone who experiences emotional distress over a sign warning people who might feel emotional distress at discussions of sexual assault?
I wish black people would shut up so cops could murder them in peace, employers and business owners could discriminate against them, LGBT people and people with different religions.
His conduct was found to be sub-Mariner, so he’ll be playing namor.
Peña needs to smack him.
Yah so, my name is Berjoisey, what about it?
Have a cookie
Jive ass turkeys get served regardless of whether it is holiday season, cuffing season, Black History month, whatever. Fools get got.
I get it. We are not juries; we don’t need to decide right this moment. We can wait and watch and reserve our reactions for for some other time. We can extend symapthy for Stoya and deal with it later if new information arises. We can be kind now, and that is what matters.
I’m a 23 year old Braves fan. Tommy wasn’t much younger than I am when he first popped on the scene as the next big thing. Just getting his start in life like I am now. Just sad to think about how quickly it can all come crashing down at such a young age. Death is such a strange concept to grasp at my age. Growing up,…
As a native Phialdelphian, I cannot disagree with this sentiment.
Goodell immediately opens an investigation into the Eagles' players for violating the competitive spirit of the game, then tacks on a random fine on Kelce for saying something specific in a way that could possibly be connected to another player.
You know you fucked up when Philadelphia has the moral high ground
Well considering theres a socialist running for president that is actually a potentially viable candidate that many young people are excited to vote for, I’d say pretty well. But you continue being a condescending dick.
Yep, it’s called taxis, uber or friend. You just pulled Pinkham’s law. Congrats.
Kid looks like a preppy seahorse