
Happy that Planet Earth made the list at 73. So I guess there’s that. 

whatever you want to call the time traveling, joyful nonsense of Legends Of Tomorrow

Except the blending was almost never mentioned, IIRC. Once you got past the first 2-3 episodes or so, the fact that the kids were step-siblings was never discussed.”

I also did not see him doing this. 

So Wendy’s went from shitty fries to a different type of shitty fries. Good to know, but I feel like you missed the most important test - how do they fare when you dip them in a Frosty? 

Replace the baby with John Cena. Claim you don't see a nude man on the cover if anyone complains. 

I did think they got the points across with Manchin, but why did Aidy do her Ted “Worst Canadian 2021" Cruz impression?

Jason Kenney and Scott Moe are trying to keep up, and Trudeau gave it a go with the $600M snap election that changed nothing, but Cruz is still the runaway leader for “Worst Canadian 2021".

frequently have satirical segments where they perform more like Stewart than the stiff, buttoned-up Walter Cronkite wannabes parodied on “Weekend Update”.

I hope someone updated the slideshow...

On the flipside, if I were on set when someone broke Big Dave’s nose I would also run away.

Needs more “getting hit by a bus”.

Yeah not many Orange Julius kiosks in my area (GTA) that I can recall.

Rivers? Say it ain't so!

Plus it’s part and parcel of being based on the kind of story they tell. They tend to hit not just their own beats regularly, but the basic Joseph Campbell beats because there’s so many movies about roughly similar circumstances.

I did like Mitsou!

Oh, so you got a lot of Mitsou and Roch Voisine then. (Kidding! Kind of)

The 90's seemed to be a boom period for Canadian music thanks to the CanCon regulations. Don’t know that we’d have ever heard of Moist or Sam Roberts or even BNL without it. We also got crap like the Tea Party, but you take the good with the bad.

Here's to hoping the authorities catch them all. 

I love when Beato puts on his producer hat and breaks stuff like that down.