
I assume you didn’t have MuchMusic, as CanCon regulations effectively ensured that Alanis was in regular video rotation, along with Lisa Loughheed and Candi.

So Nic Cage as Ghost Rider as host?

I remember “Feel Your Love” as having a video that probably lifted their choreo from Janet Jackson’s “Rhythm Nation”.

It’s probably more correct to say that it’s very weird that an alum from YCTDOTV became famous.

So I guess Alanis decided to walk away and say goodbye to Jagged.

Ted Cruz. Still the Worst Canadian politician.

Favourite non-DDD Fieri Show? Probably Tournament of Champions or Guy’s Big Project.

I don’t think they made it at all. Not uncommon with British pop acts - I think Robbie Williams only cracked the charts with Angels?

Just don't ask him to do it in the form of a hoedown  

man rock is gonna be so weird looking in like 5 years.

Dawson would not last one show, and have 20 lawsuits stemming from that one show, if he were a host today.

I think my McDonald’s lunch option would still be a McMuffin. But of course I live in Canada where McDonald’s still offers All Day Breakfast.

That will definitely make for an... interesting take on Black Adam. 

Shrimp crackers aren't my thing. Shrimp CHIPS, on the other hand...

Not asking about society-at-large, just this person’s personal philosophy.

Given what we know about Richards and his selecting the clips to use with focus groups of guest hosts, which tweets did he pick as well and/or put in front of Sony execs (and they still chose him!)...

He seems to be doing fine on The Chase. 

Just hire Watson already.


I’d put money on the Queen in that fight.