This was so bad, I thought Barsanti wrote this. Then I realized this was Kotaku.
“deceptive rage-bait”
Like I said, it’s a tough call. I certainly don’t disagree with you wrt Oz.
“so you’d pick dr. oz over him”
Has that ever happened in the internet age?
Check out the big brain on huja.
On the other hand, we can have Egg McMuffins any time we want.
August to early February, he’s got a full-time job. (Technically, he gets Tuesdays off, but he wouldn’t be able to do a taping from half the country away). March to July his schedule is much more open, and Rodgers believes he could fit in the usual number of episode recordings into that timeframe.
Doesn’t Rodgers have a day job?
I will give you that he was not the worst guy for the gig in terms of competence.
Hire Watson you cowards!
I was really just getting into pop music in the early 80s. So I know I missed out on a lot of lesser hits.
Oddly enough, I only knew of his song through Weird Al.
Reno is a good recurring character as well.
Yeah it's sad as I was waiting for this to drop.
I’ve rather enjoyed the live CBC/TSN/Rogers coverage. No cutting away to other events, and they try not to skip any athletes in athletics, diving etc.
Given what happened coming out of Loki, we can't be sure
Hire Aaron Rodgers, you cowards. Surely you can pony up more than the (checks pro football reference) $33 million a year he’s earning for getting hit by large men.
Both Hulks. X-Men. Aquaman. Maybe Harry Potter. At least a couple of Bond movies.