
Of all the artists, writers, poets, etc that died broke and forgotten, her death is the one that bothers me the most. Her grave site is definitely on my list of places to visit. She deserves flowers.

I feel like this is a #YesAllMen thing. White men are the exact same. I don’t trust any of them to stand up for a woman ever. Men of all color just want the support of women of all color so that they can be the hegemon. They don’t want equality for us or to be equal to us, they just want the same privileges afforded

We seem to have a cultural understanding that we will not talk about our shitty tendencies internally its way past time.

I know more black female nerdy types than male ones but these dudes never seem to find them.

This is so much easier when the motherfuckers are dead.

I’m also not here for it, because i’m already seeing extra spicy takes about Glover having a white lover and interracial children. This all feels like Hotep bait and i’m not here for it. Celebrate the art. Celebrate the artist. Don’t worship any of these niggas, you’ll be disappointed.

when you sexually assault a mob of people a mob is who will judge you.

>Female is a biological designation that woman is not

Female human beings would suffice.

Another case of Asimov’s Cult of Ignorance - “My ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”

“I’m tired of hoteps tryna tell me how to feel” - Janelle Monae, Screwed

“It’s hilarious that those upset about the chapter in the book more than likely did not read the book, don’t have a sense of humor, and probably white women.”

“I used to support it but its taking down successful black men and I’m not with it.

All I can think of is that Star Trek TNG episode where Data gets it on w/Tasha Yar.

Well D’oHHH , YES YES YES , so he won’t bug me after sex and will be sex on demand stored in a box till I need him.

America is a ponzi scheme.

Sort of the way Tina Fey, Kate McKinnon, and Melissa McCarthy live in that place with dirtbags like Alec Baldwin and John Hamm? Like Pamala Adlon lived in that place all those years working with Louis CK, even though the rumors about his behavior were well known? The way all the women who work with Russell Crowe,

Fuck that and Fuck him.

its not just hip-hop. it’s everyone you looked up to. it’s you realizing that so many of your idols and inspirations are deeply flawed individuals.