Pastor Troy? The 20th Century slipped up and let a slug escape from the used crack pipe of mediocrity. Man, go sit your Country Time Lemonade sipping ass down somewhere with that tired ass homophobic Negro bullshit.
I’m not tired of talking about race. This morning, I was walking my dogs and ran into an acquaintance who expressed surprise at how good my old lady skin looks, and my butt. Race! Yesterday I had a colonoscopy, and had to have a bunch of biopsies. Race again! It comes up in all kinds of ways (i guess my butt did, too.)
Listen, the #boymom and #girldad shit is dumb as fuck but this is fucking unnecessary.
Can’t what he said be read as “I will vote for the piece of art I find to be the best of my choices, regardless of its source”? That doesn’t exclude diversity, but it doesn’t take it into consideration. In the same way that, for example, you’d assume that height would be a normal distribution amongst writers because…
Am I the only person who actually likes living with their spouse? This would make me super sad.
There is nothing Christian about the fire and brimstone of the American evangelical death cult. They need to terrify and indoctrinate children in order to keep their power and cash.
It’s like being mad at All the President’s Men for focusing on Woodward and Bernstein instead of doing a deep dive on the Nixon presidency.
It seems pretty clear to me that in the course of reporting the Weinstein story - which was presumably first a piece for NBC TV, which by necessity morphed into a print article when it moved to The New Yorker - a second story started to emerge. It’s literally in the title of this book, “Catch & Kill.” Killing Farrow’s…
It was about the process of getting the story published and the institutional bullshit that protected people like Lauer and Weinstein. I don’t think it minimizes anything about the victims, it’s just about a different-ish topic? It’s like being mad at All the President’s Men for focusing on Woodward and Bernstein…
Number one rule of book reviewing: Review the book in front of you, not the book you fantasize about reading.
I have not read this book. But it sounds from the review that this is just not the book on the matter that Megan wanted to read. I’m sure, however, it’s exactly the book that Farrow set out to write.
The book is about NBC killing the story and Farrow trying to get it published.
Too late to edit but it's also insulting to lesbians. Too many people think that women are only lesbians because they haven't met the right man. That one day, a magical penis will turn them straight. Which would be laughable if "corrective rape" didn't exist
Yes, race is a factor for Markle, and that’s a terrible thing. But the press makes life a living hell for the Royals, when they’re not behind walls. You couldn’t get much whiter than Diana, and they just about drove her insane.
Actually the press tore Diana to pieces, so I think it’s less about being black and more about being under the unsparing constant microscope of the paparazzi.
If you are a person of color, to some white people we are not people. To these racists we have no inner lives, we have no feelings, we proceed, and have no existence that matters to them.
Wait, so now we are punishing people for having the maturity and ability to recognize they were wrong and doing something to fix it?! Honestly, it makes me like Warren more that she had the guts to realize she didn’t align with the republican party anymore and moved to the left. We need more self-reflection in this…
This is the most ridiculous smear of Yang I have seen thus far, congrats.