
I can relate. I’m not Mormon, I grew up w/ a regular Christian mother who didn’t know much about sex or her body. I was told many things as a child & teen - like virgins don’t wear tampons, your first time hurts a lot, & virgins don’t need pelvic exams!

So are sports like the military, tear you down to build you up? N word or no - if you call me out my name, you will not get my best. I was not built that way. And it seems like I'm not the only one.

Circumcised peni.  Sorry, cannot hang.  They look weird to me and I have had AWFUL sex with them.  My uncut guys have been much better on the stick.

Seriously? Send her to obedience school w/ the dog so she learns how to give him commands that he’ll obey. Maybe Anger Mgmt too. I saw the video, she slapped him once and yells too much. CPS wouldn’t take a kid, she wouldn’t go to jail for doing that to a kid.

Interesting article, but let me just say, being an albino sucks. Yeah, y’all see a few in fashion mags and say “stunning”, but IRL, everyone looks at you like you’re an alien. Albinos are not biracial and we are not light-skinned in the traditional sense. We generally don’t have any of the features that people think

Yeah, thank you The Root, but done. Sorry I came up with chicks not talking about what a dudes got because we were completely focused on getting our own and flexing with what we earned.

Agender is a thing.  It doesn't get discussed much, but we exist.

My safe space is in a Todrick Hall music video.  Happy Pride!

You know, I don’t care. I already consider her music offensive and avoid it at all costs. But....

I am too angry to put together a coherent rant. But, a grown woman is not worth less than a fetus! I could potentially understand not putting the shooter on trial. But trying the person who got shot 5 times?

Look, I love Black film, but I love Black PEOPLE more. So, as long as successful Black actors are funneling money into their community in order to foster the success of other Black folks - I’m not interested in policing how they do it.

The stigma is here too.  I live in Seattle and people are shocked I'm not going to have a midwife when I'm able to have a baby.  My Dr already informed me I'm a C section due to the open myomectomy I've had.  Personally I just don't care what other people think; I just want a healthy baby.

It is entirely possible that I might be a misanthrope; however, living with my husband is what allows me to tolerate other people. I require a room of my own, my office, & that is it.  I don't care that he snores or doesn't inhabit a space exactly the way I do.  I’m an introvert, but my husband doesn’t stress me out,

As a community, we Black folks eat our own. The recriminations and judgements never cease! It hurts more when your own community refuses to see and accept you, but I’m over 40 and no longer give a fuck.

This is a hard “Fuck NO!”. Geezus, I bet he’s furry under his clothes, constantly stinks of week, sweats exuberantly with little effort and always guides the chick into girl on top positions. He says it’s because he wants to look at her, but really - he’s lazy & wants to smoke while she’s riding him.

My pale ass might just skip this. Sometimes stuff liked this just reinforces that Black folks are supposed to be the same and when there is a significant difference, it must be due to outside interference - like a White parent. I don’t think that is helpful to Black folks as a whole, or to mixed folks.

I love my mother & acknowledge she did the best she was capable of... Still, let’s not perpetrate the myth that all mothers are suited to the task.

Geezus, I don’t understand why people choose to live this way. I don’t worry about if my marriage is equitable day in/day out. I focus on whether on not we have each other’s backs. I don’t expect children to change my husband’s OS.

Thank you for this. You said what I was thinking, but with more civility than I was feeling. I have always been the “smart girl” or the “funny one”- never one to turn heads. I can’t really comprehend her “loss”.

I disagree with you in perspective and approach.