
That’s what I figured. I’m not shocked that people don’t really dig very deep once they think they’ve found what they want, an edgy writer to hit queer topics, but it also doesn’t seem like it would be too hard.

So, I’m certain that their lawyers do a serious dig into one’s writing background.

I’d tend to think that management could have easily outlasted the grad students in any sort of negotiation scenario, but I guess if they want to rely on Trump’s NLRB ..

I think the NFL exists on momentum.

I’m just indifferent. If someone tells me “We only have maple syrup” my reaction is “cool!”. If someone tells me “We only have Aunt Jemima’s!” my reaction is “cool!”

Given that she’s a social media presence, I would assume they did.

You’re overstating the “risk to the sport’s future”. Trends almost never actually hit the exponential points that people freak out about. Football is still a huge part of the mainstream of American culture, even after the ratings decline.

I mean, yes, NFL ratings are declining, and they might continue for a bit, but trends that are exponential rarely continue forever.

If Stormfront and Jezebel had a baby ...

Taste is subjective. Nutrition a little less so though.

I mean, I dunno.

I think one way it did was to shrink the scale. The original Iron Man was about how Tony reshaped one of the biggest corporations in the world.

Do we do the whole “Unpopular Opinion: [Insert Opinion That Isn’t Unpopular In the Slightest, Just Not Necessarily Universally Held Because What You’re Really Trying To Do Is Cut Some Fools With That Edge]” thing here?

I have many thoughts about all of this, so just note that you were forewarned.

But don’t deviate too far. Just move a few variables from one side of the equation to the other and change some of the font sizes and types.

A nice and simple marinade for carne asada is a can of Modelo along with a few spices.

You know you’ve gone all the way down the right wing rabbit hole when you post something so bonkers about Barack Obama that it gets removed from Sean Hannity’s website before every single major news agency including Fox News says it’s a false story or a hoax.

Sort of reminds me of the Wheel of Time.

But the real problem with these foods is that they’re often sugary and high calorie, and many of the less-healthy members of the category are what stock the vending machines and convenience stores that beckon to us when we’re hungry and haven’t packed a lunch.

I mean, you can’t make this shit up.