I have, and he’s not wrong. Cleveland might have, like every other city bigger than a 4 way stop sign, experienced something of a boom the last several years, but it’s still not that great a town, dude.
I have, and he’s not wrong. Cleveland might have, like every other city bigger than a 4 way stop sign, experienced something of a boom the last several years, but it’s still not that great a town, dude.
I think, in general, it would be very hard to be a career federal employee who deals with the executives in your agency during the Trump administration. Even if you aren’t someone who works somewhere that has gained their ire like the FBI, the CFPB or the EPA.
It seems like what the article is saying that at airlines the biggest problem is the pool of female airline pilots needs to be expanded.
found social media posts of their daughter’s 17-year old boyfriend praising Hitler and calling for a white revolution.
It seems a bit stunt-ish.
The Man of Steel one was a bit unsettling. I kept waiting for Cavill’s face to change and all of a sudden BAM an uncannily seamless integration of Cage’s face into Adams’ head.
I never really had a problem with going out alone, but having a kid cured my wife of a mild aversion to it.
I doubt they have to wait until he’s proven guilty per se, but I would guess the hangup is that in order to suspend them without going through the formal process allowed for in his contract, which may take a few days to line up, the district is only allowed to suspend them with pay.
There have been rumors about them basically since a few months after her divorce.
I don’t even think this guy could beat Piston Honda, much less other greats like Soda Popinski and King Hippo, so he would have never had a chance to even try to beat peak Tyson.
Does the suspension with pay have to do with some sort of minimum due process his contract affords him?
Even if she’s being sincere, the best thing to do is go be quiet for awhile without making a show of going to be quiet for awhile.
I’ll be happy if I get to my 60s without having a “I hope my kids’ spouses like me” retirement plan.
I mean, now the Board has resigned, so it’s moot, but my point was that it would be an even bigger disaster for the Board members to not resign.
Unless Raisman is a lawyer, accountant or someone like that, it would be a tremendous waste and there would be large aspects of the job she would hate and bluntly not be very good at.
So I’m assuming that by default, unless they appoint someone else, all the power to appoint their successor would have to fall to the highest remaining executive officer.
“marginally higher” is what I think was meant there.
Stare into that photo for more than a few seconds and tell me you don’t start to feel your soul be pulled out of your body.
I mean, this is the Board, not the everyday employees. Letting their organization get decertified would be an even bigger disaster for them than resigning.