
Eh, I think Sean Hannity is one of the true believers in Trumpist nativism.

I hate people who are slavishly obsequious towards the military, but if you ever happen upon a WWII vet, do yourself a favor and spend a few moments talking to them if the opportunity presents itself.

Do you think he and Angelo Mozilo use the same spray tan product?

Eh, generally ethical lapses like the ones you reference aren’t quite so immediately visible. Lawyers do shit like that if they think they can get away with.

My parents were a part of a hyper religious community of missionaries.

The Board will resign. De-certification means the organization goes defunct anyways.

But do they have health benefits?

Unless reading financial statements, long boring board resolutions, and reviewing massively thick books of policies and procedures is something she enjoys,I think there’s a better role to be had.

No one is saying EA won’t fail, but one game failing alone can’t do it at all.

I think this overthinks it.

You kidding? That would make this piece an even better bit of satire.

Excitebike 64 makes me think of Excitebike, which was the first video game I ever really played.

There’s a place somewhere between “What was done to PSU” on the one hand and “Raze the entire campus and salt the earth where it once stood” where the punishment you could choose goes from being justice and pointed at the people who had any part in this to ridiculous, unwarranted and wantonly destructive to people who

The world is not only more dangerous now than it was a year ago. It is as threatening as it has been since World War II

Pursuant to my philosophy of full immersion, my 3 year old gets a steady diet of Doom Let’s Play videos, supercuts of all of the God of War QTEs, and slow-mo replays of the scene in the 2008 Rambo movie where he gets on the .50 caliber machine gun and kills everything.

Don’t bring my name up No neck. I’m not the topic of y’all conversation today.

Do you?

But EA doesn’t need perfect knowledge of player preferences to surmise all of that. Also, EA isn’t going to let highly profitable franchises ride the pine for that long. 

No, I’m saying that so long as EA thinks that a dollar of revenue on Dragon Age or a dollar of revenue on Mass Effect isn’t a dollar of revenue that would have otherwise gone to Anthem, they’ll probably invest in both at some point again, even if Anthem works and comes online.

This all made me think of ...