
In the spirit of this article: if you had to “squeeze” between your car and another in a parking lot that caused you to knock off your side mirror, then either one, or both of you most likely parked incorrectly to cause you to have that little space to maneuver in the first place.

I didn’t think you were opposed to federal funding of women’s health services. That was my mistake if I came across that way.

I do. But I tried to be as plain as possible without inciting any kinds of reactions. The people who would do what you say, have already made up their minds before the conversation has started, so there’s no helping that.

To put it simply? Yes. But let me be clear - I wish no abortions had to be performed and I do not support their use as a ‘reset button’ to correct a stupid drunken mistake or something of the like. However, if the option exists to end a life painlessly before it even begins to prevent any of the below scenarios or any

I will try to give you an intellectual response, though your choice of diction used doesn’t particularly encourage it other than you asking for us to refrain from wishing some type of violence on you. I do not wish any violence upon you, I only ask that you actually learn what planned parenthood does beyond abortions

I think another couple topics for NWS to discuss with his SO is:

Thank you for this perfectly timed article for me. I’ve never tinkered with a Raspberry Pi before, but making a retro gaming machine out of one is something I really want to do this year. I’m just starting my research into the whole process, so this helps knock the controller part of that out of the way.

I actually did something similar this holiday with my Dad (55). I sat him down with my Oculus and, just like your mother, he thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience. I started him off with some of the simple stuff in the Dream Deck just to gauge his body/mind’s acceptance to the tech. Once I was sure he wasn’t feeling

I’ll never understand why someone else’s sexuality (or lack of in the case of asexuals) bothers people. It has nothing to do with you, so leave them alone. As long as the relationship consists of consenting adults, it shouldn’t matter how many people of what gender it is made of.

For me it varies vastly on the presentation of the fan service, whether the show was crafted around it, whether it feels shoe-horned in, etc. There’s a lot of factors for whether it’s acceptable or not.

It was mentioned that this article will be updated over the months/years to come, but hasn’t been in quite some time. Are you waiting for after the holidays when the Oculus Touch controller (and it’s accompanying games) has some time to spend on the market?

So I don’t play Overwatch, but is there any indication in the lore or story for any of the characters in regards to their individual sexuality? Not trying to say I have a problem with any of the ships (hetero or otherwise), I’m just genuinely curious as to whether any of the ships have support from the source material

I didn’t even realize that. How did that happen? There’s still plenty of type’s they haven’t done an Eevee-lution for yet. Ghost form, rock form, ground form, flying form, dragon form, fighting form, poison form, bug form, or steel form all don’t have a Eevee type yet.

I haven’t seen any rumors of this happening, but with the Switch coming out, if Nintendo decides to make that it’s only console (home or portable) from here on, it would make sense for Pokemon to make the “switch” eventually.

Oh, I thought the gender thing wasn’t an issue if it was with another genderless Pokemon. Thanks for the correction.

Yea... I was hoping with this being the first time the legendaries are actually an evolution of a lower Pokemon (Cosmog), that we’d be able to breed them, but no such luck.

Generally, that’s not unheard of. Especially when you consider a lot of battle modes and tournaments have legendaries disqualified from competing, but I have friends I fight with and we battle with anything goes ‘mon a lot. So it’s more important to me than some people.

Yes. Either with a Ditto or a Pokemon from the mineral group (Geodude, Onyx, Porygon, Magnemite, etc)

For me it came down to the types of the 2 legendaries. Solgaleo is Psychic/Steel and Lunala is Psychic/Ghost. That means Lunala has a 4x weakness to Dark and Ghost type moves, while Solgaleo’s weaknesses don’t get above 2x. I’ll have to find a Metang though cause I just love Metagross.