
Because some “straight” men want dick so badly that even playing as a fictional character with a fictional sexual history makes them scream , “I’M NOT GAY!” Don’t hate on those poor souls. Pity them because their fucked up ways of thinking might keep them from tasting that dick they so richly desire for their entire

Hey Ethan, if you want to write about something cool in the game, maybe don’t bookend your article with declarations of how bad the game is and instead, I don’t know, just talk about the cool thing. Shitting on the game diminishes a pretty cool accomplishment by this player. And no, couching your criticisms in

I’ve banned a lot of people in my 10+ years working video game support, so I’ll submit two stories, both from the same company:

Y’know, I think it might be good practice to publicize bans.

Watergate investigation took over 2 years before anything at emerged. Here we have 23 indictments in 14 months.

Mueller was investigating “collusion”.

No, this was destined since Trump won. He has been quite clear on his plan to undo anything Obama did, and continuing with the Iran deal would be an indirect admission Obama had done something worthwhile. And neither Trump nor his base can suffer such an idea.

Point for Audition. So well done.

I wasn’t particularly spine-tingled when I watched it, but some of the creepier elements stuck with me for a few days...the song the children sing for one.

I’m concerned at how stupid people must be to think that the rich are on their side just because they have some political views that are the same. But look at the USA right now, a bunch of inbred hicks thought Trump was going to look after them. They just ignored his decades of greed and vice and thought he’d make

To be fair we knew that before he was elected...

Imagine working for the Secret Service protective detail and telling yourself every morning, “Today’s the day I may have to take a bullet for this moronic demagogue.”

Obama placed what he owns in a blind trust like you’re supposed to. You suck at whataboutism.

Definitely, for all those hotels the Obama family owns that military officials were staying at.

Can’t wait! He’s already mad about Stormy posting pics earlier

Elder scrolls, the ultimate artifacts, of which attempting to read them would result in blindness and insanity.
What is this forbidden secret that is written on its mystical canvas?

Placebo effects are real insomuch as we sometimes observe patients improve after sham treatment. However, there are a variety of explanations that don’t imply any kind of physiological mechanism that can be taken advantage of. Regression to the mean explains most of it.

Lol! A 2 second Google search shows us:

You can’t tell Scalise that his idea would be “a whole new ball game.” He was fucking shot at a ball game.

If Obama had ever said anything remotely like “Take the guns first, go through due process second,” there would be flaming barricades going up on every street corner in Texas and Georgia.