
Public outcry can be a good thing when it comes to calling developers and mostly publishers out on their bad decisions. Bethesda making good on their original promise of a quality canvas bag for the Power Armor edition owners after the massive public dissent is just the most recent example I can think of.

I see your point, but you got a different interpretation of the article than I did, which seems to be the cause of the vitriol you’re getting. I don’t think the point of the article or the IMPACT system focused on in the article was to equate involuntary diseases like cancer with self-inflicted diseases like

I will play with my 7 year old daughter from time to time. She’s not great at the game by any means, but it’s still fun to play with her. The best part is, because this is a play anywhere title, I can let her play on the xbox under her profile (while mine is signed in also), and kick up the game on my PC to play with

Moreso if you go dig into that real story a little bit. That’s more creepy than the movie was.

Overall I enjoyed it, I should’ve called that out. I definintly didn’t regret the time spent watching it. Subtitles don’t bother me. I grew up watching enough subbed anime that it’s 2nd nature to me now. I’m really not into jump scares, I think that’s a cheap way to do a horror movie personally. I’m more for slow

Veronica wasn’t bad, but I really don’t think it deserves the “scariest movie on Netflix” praise it’s been getting everywhere. As far as horror movies go, it was fairly predictable, but the cinematography was fantastic. As a Spanish only flic however, a lot of people won’t be able to watch it and get the full effect

That was the joke. I thought my sarcasm was implied without the /s tag.

I thought this was AMERICA?! Land of the FREE?! Why are you trying to tell me I can’t do something!

Damn you and your facts!

True. I’m actually for responsible gun ownership. But if people think they *need* guns to protect themselves from a tyrannical government/regime as they did in the past and as the amendment intended, then people are deluding themselves. Your AR-15/AK47/bullet-resistant vest/etc don’t do shit against a targeted drone

I have a 2.5 bath house. In each bathroom, we keep the one roll on the roll, then 3 extra stacked in a pyramid on the back tank as backups. Then we keep any extra left in the package in the linen closet, replacing the pyramids as needed. When that package runs out, we know we need to get more, but we can wait a few

I didn’t say he did. I was highlighting the difference in gun safety knowledge a civilian 18 year old might posses versus an 18 year old recruit. It’s also striking to me that the military won’t allow recruits to have access to their firearms without supervision prior to receiving training on those firearms, and does

If only. But that’s crazy talk. When it comes to civilians, it’s unrestricted access or else you’re trying to take all the guns away. There’s nothing in between.

The difference is the military trains them with the proper handling and use of those firearms before allowing them to use them and sending them off to war. They also do things like keep a record of who takes what rifle, how many rounds they take, how many rounds they use, where they were used, how many were returned,

That’s pretty much my view. I don’t necessarily think those people would’ve been a danger to society any more than accidental discharge on themselves.

I personally think the ACLU was wrong in this instance. I don’t see the failure in logic to think if a person is examined by a professional and determined they are not mentally capable of handling their own affairs then they are also not capable of responsible gun ownership. Why would we look at a person and say

GOP: “Mentally ill people should have access to firearms too!”

Worse than nothing being done about it, Trump (and his complicit GOP) actively make it easier for the mentally ill to access guns. Way back in February of last year, Trump signed a bill into law that rolled back an Obama regulation (because of course Obama anything = bad) which was aimed at adding those people who

I feel like congress would know how important a lot of these programs are if they ever had to use government assistance, public education, or rely on the current government-sponsored healthcare. But for some reason, politicians don’t have to live by the same standards they set for the general public.

So what you’re telling me is that I shouldn’t invest in stocks right now, and instead put that money into a savings account until the bubble bursts, then use all that saved money to buy stocks after the crash?