
Public outcry can be a good thing when it comes to calling developers and mostly publishers out on their bad decisions. Bethesda making good on their original promise of a quality canvas bag for the Power Armor edition owners after the massive public dissent is just the most recent example I can think of.

I will play with my 7 year old daughter from time to time. She’s not great at the game by any means, but it’s still fun to play with her. The best part is, because this is a play anywhere title, I can let her play on the xbox under her profile (while mine is signed in also), and kick up the game on my PC to play with

Moreso if you go dig into that real story a little bit. That’s more creepy than the movie was.

Overall I enjoyed it, I should’ve called that out. I definintly didn’t regret the time spent watching it. Subtitles don’t bother me. I grew up watching enough subbed anime that it’s 2nd nature to me now. I’m really not into jump scares, I think that’s a cheap way to do a horror movie personally. I’m more for slow

Veronica wasn’t bad, but I really don’t think it deserves the “scariest movie on Netflix” praise it’s been getting everywhere. As far as horror movies go, it was fairly predictable, but the cinematography was fantastic. As a Spanish only flic however, a lot of people won’t be able to watch it and get the full effect

That was the joke. I thought my sarcasm was implied without the /s tag.

I thought this was AMERICA?! Land of the FREE?! Why are you trying to tell me I can’t do something!

Damn you and your facts!

I have a 2.5 bath house. In each bathroom, we keep the one roll on the roll, then 3 extra stacked in a pyramid on the back tank as backups. Then we keep any extra left in the package in the linen closet, replacing the pyramids as needed. When that package runs out, we know we need to get more, but we can wait a few

I feel like congress would know how important a lot of these programs are if they ever had to use government assistance, public education, or rely on the current government-sponsored healthcare. But for some reason, politicians don’t have to live by the same standards they set for the general public.

So what you’re telling me is that I shouldn’t invest in stocks right now, and instead put that money into a savings account until the bubble bursts, then use all that saved money to buy stocks after the crash?

How hard is it for this country and the idiots running it to just look at one simple thing: how many countries went from a capitalist healthcare system, to a socialized/single-payer system, then went back to the capitalist option because it cost too much to keep people alive and healthy?

The hilarious (read: sad) part is those people who support using a GoFundMe to pay for healthcare costs, but don’t support a socialized healthcare system, don’t see the irony in both options relying on money from a bunch of strangers. Sure with the GoFundMe option, those people donating have the “choice” on who their

Gamer toxicity is a huge problem in the industry and is seriously having an affect on both the number of people who want to work in the games industry and the morale of those already there. The toxic gamers who lash out at the developers with death threats, doxxing, and other such harassment, especially when it

I was seeing the same thing. Didn’t matter what my visual settings were, my FPS wouldn’t go up. I know it’s not my system, because my Oculus still runs my games at high with no problems.

Have your framerates taken a hit with 7.3.5? I play on high/ultra settings and usually hover around 60-75 fps in crowded areas like Dalaran, with much higher out in the wild. Ever since the patch hit, I have been down in the low teens in Dalaran, and even out in the wild while in combat with mobs. It’s almost

As of 9AM central time, it says this is unavailable. So possibly sold out due to the BOGO deal.

As of 9AM central time, it says this is unavailable. So possibly sold out due to the BOGO deal.

An alternate option I’ve been thinking about is creating a GoFundMe for my kids people can donate to. The option is there to make donations anonymously if they don’t want to compare their donation size to others, and since the real cost of “experiences” can be so much more than the ticket price, it lets the parents

The “KINJAFIL” promo code doesn’t work that’s listed under the image of the device. “KINJAROU” was the promo code that worked for me.

The “KINJAFIL” promo code doesn’t work that’s listed under the image of the device. “KINJAROU” was the promo code

To be fair, that’s not an unreasonable assumption even for someone without any classified knowledge. To assume we’re alone in an infinite universe full of countless other planets and systems IS pretty arrogant. It’s a mathematical improbability that we’re the only planet with any kind of life.