In other words, y’all need Arceus.
In other words, y’all need Arceus.
I’ve been a Litten fan from the start (fire starter always FTW), even more so now with this Torracat evolution, but I’m actually the opposite of most of these people. I like Rowlet, but hate the stupid Dartrix evolution with that hair thing in it’s face. I just want to take scissors and cut it off... I wasn’t a huge…
Agreed with all of this, and thank you for the tears at work. The Zuko/Iroh relationship is so good and practically steals the show from whatever else they were trying to do as a major plot.
This. I’m not a hardcore player and will probably never get this weapon, but I’m OK with that. Making this so hard to access also has the benefit of giving you something so hard to do in a multiplayer game - a thing that is truly rare/unique.
In truth, the effect varies from kid to kid, as well as with what types of games they’re being allowed to play, how often they are allowed to play, and what you do with your kids when they’re not playing. Balance is key in all things, and that’s no less true here.
Right. I get all that. And it’s really just semantics or postulating theology, but the question is, since she underwent full cyberization, she’s no longer truly a human anymore. As a cyborg, made of component parts that most likely were manufactured in a myriad of countries around the world, she can at best be labeled…
The space issue for the necessary setup of the Vive was really the killer for me on why I went with the Rift instead. My computer is in my bedroom and I don’t have the space to set up the lighthouses and play even temporarily. Eve: Valkyrie is immensely fun and polished if you have the horsepower to play on high…
Can the Major, who was a cyborg, really be called Japanese? Sure she’s got the ‘Made in Japan’ label somewhere, but since she’s not human, she can’t really be Japanese.
Yes, but the internet is looking at her as the non-binary leader person.
This will never be ok or fail to bring a tear to my eye...
Sisters and cousins.
Sweetness and Lightning is another really good one for me. Nothing makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside like that show. Especially if you happen to have children.
Could you also post the price of the game next to the link to their respective stores? No need to keep it updated for when the games go on a temporary sale or anything, but just the listed full retail price here without the extra click would be a nice convenience.
Yes. I gave you the benefit of the doubt that you were going to say something inspiring, but 3 words in, and you lost it...
You had me until you said Heelies... those automatically make anything uncool.
My Oculus should be in today, but I can’t use it. I’ve been waiting to replace my GTX 760 GPU with a 1080, and no one seems to have them in stock...
Burger King is totally right. I will try those.
To be honest, I was excited for the Power Puff revival too. That was a steaming pile of... yeah... I am excited for Jack’s return also, but Cartoon Network has burned me before...
It’s better than the nothing we’ve had for this situation, but it’s a far cry from the right solution. Requiring no kills to have occurred in the first 3 minutes for this to work is stupid. There’s nothing to stop an enemy from diving a tower after getting hit to give up first blood and then get some freelo with the…
I love the look you can achieve with Rainmeter, but it can get resource heavy really quick the more add-ons you start using. This is a really nice minimalistic design.