
His clothes were fun and colorful. Plus he used a lot of innovative materials and techniques in his designs. The metal mesh dresses he created were a sensation. His deisgns didn’t look like anything else. There’s a reason that safety pin dress got Elizabeth Hurley so much attention that it launched her career.

In fairness, the JLo green dress was done a few years after he died.

thank you! Jezebel of all people can’t talk when they pulled that bullshit with Hugo

I think he knew and just didn’t want to have the necessary uncomfortable talk with his buddy. I also think he didn’t really dig into it further so he can claim plausible deniability.

In the clip above, Stewart is asked about how he reacted to the revelations and C.K.’s admittance of guilt, and says he was “stunned.”

Just because there’s a rumor about a friend, doesn’t mean you believe it.

I know this is a candidate for the next New England Journal of Duh but I think men need to be better about trusting women when they come out about this stuff. There is literally no benefit to a woman making these kinds of accusations about a powerful man.

doesn’t do endorsement deals. Doesn’t Do Endorsement Deals. DOESN’T DO ENDORSEMENT DEALS??!!!

I’m so glad that Lena spoke out about our queer community because when Sarah Paulson and Kate McKinnon win they don’t talk about being lesbians and how winning gives our community visibility.

Angela Bassett was killer good in the episode. They should give awards for that quality of acting.

It’s not even just comedies for me, shows like ‘How to Get Away With Murder’ didn’t seem to have a single likeable person on the show (at first, might be better, I gave up).

Shows like It’s Always Sunny are great, because they are presenting them as total jerks, but they’re usually skewering some issue.

Also, that whole “Not being particularly funny” aspect kinda hurt what allegedly is a comedy show. You need more than a wry tone to write humor.

I’m on Team KKW on this one. She is all about herself and her looks and clothes and publicity and money, and always has been. She doesn’t have any agenda beyond staying rich and famous and attractive.  

I’ll have to check this out. I’m a dude who wears concealer on occasion (thanks, acne breakouts) and has a hard time finding one that matches my skin tone. I might finally find one I can use on the regular thanks to RiRi...

“You know what this article about a woman and her accomplishment needs more of? INFORMATION ABOUT MY BONER/LACK THEREOF!”

But can she sing “Goldfinger”?

Me while reading this post

Ramona “I read all the papers” is such a fucking moron.

I’ve been binging RH episodes — for the first time — on Hulu. So, I just started a RHONY and the opening credits were playing when I saw this post. Nobody cares, right? :)