Seriously though, it seems even more telling that Dunham characterized his lines as a “massive insult of white women” rather than a fairly tame insult towards her character/show (and clueless hipsters like her) specifically.
Seriously though, it seems even more telling that Dunham characterized his lines as a “massive insult of white women” rather than a fairly tame insult towards her character/show (and clueless hipsters like her) specifically.
the network’s compromise position was that only a white character who says “Really, nigga?” and “You know how niggas out here are” could use it
Would. Hard.
“We are knitting a blanket for our president’s child,” do so many of you not wash your face regularly? I’m now concerned about any other hygiene issues on the Deadspin staff.
She also expressed her feelings to him the next day. He heard her out and apologized. I see no reason to doubt the sincerity of his apology. His statement on the matter affirms that he took her words to heart.
“present Grace’s story for what it is—a starting point to discuss the ways consent can feel blurring, no matter how clear we might wish it were, and our lack of language to describe this”
This is a valuable conversation and could have occurred in a better written piece. I also think a discussion about the blurred…
I have no problem with people who were previously independent running as Democrats (as long as they are liberal/progressive, and not Republicans running on the Democratic ticket, which occasionally happens in my red state). There are only two viable parties when it comes to the Presidency, so if anyone wants a real…
Honest question: why tf are we shading viable 2020 candidates in our current hellscape?
He’s said he wasn’t up for running in 2016 because the family was recovering from the May 2015 death (cancer) of his son Beau, who was a prominent politician and former state AG in Delaware. I think that’s also what he’s referencing when he talks about whether the family is ready. I’d imagine it would have been hard…
The VP slot is, and always has been, a staging ground for the next POTUS. Biden took that slot and then that fucking idiot wasted it.
I’m not sure I buy this too old business. As long as someone’s in good enough health to perform the functions of the office, I don’t see the problem. Besides, we always package them with a VP of the same party who takes over if they croak, so what exactly are we worried about?
wait is hating biden now a thing? I loved biden.
I’ll take Biden for one term than 45 for two.
What institutional changes do you see leading to this momentous shift?
I think it was seen as a paean to white feminism....until the last episode. If you watch again, Bonnie is perfectly sweet and tries to break into their group and is treated with disdain. She’s so perfect but at the same time everything she does is sexualized and belittled and dismissed. To me that represents women of…
Rewatch it. There are subtle hints that she’s been abused in her past or witnessed extreme domestic abuse. She mentions to Ed (I think that’s his name) that they all have things in their past. She flips out when Skye sees her husband yelling at her half sister and escalating. And she is watching very carefully at the…
I totally get you you know since, that was it the book was done. However in the face of so much repetitive content being thrown at us, in the face of everything going on right now sex scandal wise, I’m willing to let this slide instead of being like we don’t need. Do we really need it no. Do we really need 9 more Star…