
It is kind of a weird thing to include in your platform when you are running for President, though. No one is going to vote for a candidate based on which system of measurement they would want the country to use.

Seriously… Its like half of America watched a scary movie named ISIS and now they won’t fucking turn off the lights and go to bed. It is madness. It is regressive. All this shit is such a waste of time.

The problem with DWS was not that she was also in Congress, it was that she is an idiot.

He could hardly do a worse job than that DSW shoe rep.

I believe Ellison has said he’ll resign from the Senate to run the DNC if elected.

I think Stewart is a terrible actress, but I would totally be down to be her hook-up girl.

Someone still hasn’t admitted to themselves that NSync is definitively better than BSB :)

I dont get what all the fuss is about.

Just saw a video of this. Amazing. My favorite part was watching Finn Wolfhard jumping for joy when Harbour went all in on the speech. The kids know what’s up.

This might be a good time to recall something of which many of us are ignorant in our own history. It is estimated that 10 to 30% of Africans forced to our shores as slaves were of Muslim descent: many of them spoke and wrote in Arabic; some of them Hafidhs who had memorised the entire Qu’ran and could recite it in

My heart is broken by this. And I’m furious.

Lately I find that I’m angry all the time. To the point that I forget why and I stop and wonder what I’m angry about. And then I remember that president trump is destroying america/our democracy and all of our lives.

He’s really just turning out to be a lapdog for the establishment right, isn’t he? Grover Norquist’s “we just need a guy who can use a pen.”

Yaaaasss. She glows in metallics!:

I strongly feel the need for a Michelle Obama Barbie with all her iconic gowns.

Tom and Lorenzo are doing a Flotus Fashion retrospective today.

Could be a farm, but that little structure to the right could also be a garage, a shed, or part of the home next door. However, whether they are in the suburbs or the country, the skyline in the distance makes it clear they are not in the inner city.

I love that this painting gives us direct and confrontational eye contact, a hopeful glance upward, a watchful but open gaze outward, and a wistful but determined side-eye. We’re going to need all of these visions and voices moving forward.

Not even a cover band will perform at his inauguration, damn, that is extra bleak.

Trump: B Street Band is not the same as original. SAD!!!