today I am a father-remember when Dmitry said that during the childwear challenge? and then he made that adorable Euro-gnome outfit?
today I am a father-remember when Dmitry said that during the childwear challenge? and then he made that adorable Euro-gnome outfit?
Agnostic Chris Pine who openly supported Hilary Clinton?
Holy shit, that is horrifying
I don’t know her.
Who can even stand Zoe Saldana at this point? I have had it up to here with her ever since she’s was the rudest guest judge in Project Runway history and that was long before she ever did Nina and said a bunch of dumb shit about race.
An excellent apology. Good.
That’s even better considering 3rd Eye Blind played an event at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame during the GOP convention and spent a lot of time trolling conservatives while on stage.
Goo Goo Dolls were ernest soft rock with catchy songs, dammit. Not the same category at all!
The difference is that Trump didn’t have proof.
“On January 20th, I will not be celebrating or honoring an incoming president who rode racism, sexism, xenophobia and bigotry to the White House,” “The American people will never forget that when a foreign government violated our democracy, Donald Trump chose the interests of another nation over our own.”
I don’t see him as a legitimate President either. Thank you Rep. Lewis for your continued bravery.
As a Canadian-Hungarian (born canadian, father fled hungary after ww2).. i can attest that hungarians are a miserable, garbage people. My relatives there disgust me in their primitive ideologies.. never have I seen a larger group of racist, vile group of people... and I know some americans fairly well so that’s…
It’s nice that the man and his children are safe in Spain. Hope they have long, happy and healthy lives.
More better.
Syrian state media defended this hateful piece of crap by trying to slander Mr. Mohsen as a member of both ISIS and Al-Qaeda (I’m not sure how that would work). They doctored a screenshot of his Facebook page, and used it to justify assaulting him and his little boy.
Because you can’t have beef with a kid. Kids, they’re amazing. Also, Kanye is clearly suffering from mental illness, and Jay and Bey are smart people who probably understand what that means.
I may not agree with Vicente Fox on everything politically, but I got to see him speak in June and he had a lot of great things to say about treating our international neighbors with humanity and not demonizing other human beings for political gain. While these seem like basic things to do as a decent human being,…
for some reason I’m really enjoying that he spelled it ‘fucken.’