A few years ago my sorority’s honor board chair - basically our elected disciplinarian - sent out a “cunt punt” level email about racist Halloween costumes like a week before Halloween. She used her powers for good.
A few years ago my sorority’s honor board chair - basically our elected disciplinarian - sent out a “cunt punt” level email about racist Halloween costumes like a week before Halloween. She used her powers for good.
Can I reply to you with a “they’re called Native Americans”?
I know that one because Liam is really just short for William, and I thought it was weird/interesting that Spike and Angel had similar first names when they were human.
Joss Whedon has said that Spike was always intentionally going there for his soul, and they played up the ambiguity to make it a big reveal. Buffy was injured and his chip already didn’t work on her (because of the whole being resurrected thing), so he didn’t need to go far out of his way and undergo the Demon trials…
No. That’s what we the viewer was supposed to think Spike was up to, but the twist is that he (knowingly) was going after a soul. But, he was only doing it because he thought that having a soul would make Buffy love him like she loved Angel.
Can we talk about how all over the place the soul thing was though? Like, why…
Even if they do, I imagine they end up paying attention to quite different things than the audience does.
You can’t do that. It’s WRONG.
No. You’re wrong. You need to rewatch it. Spike went through the trials to get a soul—it wasn’t a punishment—he sought it on purpose. This is stated outright in Angel Season 5 (and is strongly implied if not outright stated in Buffy Season 7).
I was 14 or 15 when Becoming Parts 1&2 aired and after she killed him when his soul came back at the last minute I called my BFF on a LAND LINE (oh the 90s) and we cried together. We couldn’t believe it, had no idea what would happen next. It was the most traumatic moment of my TV life until Battlestar Galactica aired…
I’m just here to plug my favorite Buffy/Angel podcast, Dusted, made by the good folk over at Storywonk. It’s great, in depth, deep dives of each Buffy and Angel episode, in chronological order. It’s a husband and wife team and they’re charming and delightful. They have a BUNCH of other podcasts too, including ones for…
I have a lot of sympathy for actors who get defined by one thing and can’t shake it. A lot of people hated her since she didn’t want to continue with the series, but eh. It was good while it lasted. I also don’t blame an actor for not remembering stuff they probably haven’t thought about in decades. I don’t think she…
I was able to get past the attempted rape scene for two reasons: 1, he didn’t have a soul. 2, that was the catalyst for him putting himself through the ringer so he could get a soul. Had he had a soul when he tried that, had he not shown genuine remorse and taken drastic measures to ensure it wouldn’t happen again,…
She really didn’t do that bad.
I used to love Angel as a 14 year old (the character) and now at 31 I’m like, wow he was a dick. He improved on his own show (and was meant to be a very flawed anti-hero so it worked), but on Buffy he was a dick and/or uninteresting. Funny how things change in 15 years lol. I also loved Spike and still have some love…
Is Beyonce really on par with Anne Frank?
It gets really old when white women don’t understand or attempt to understand the meaning of certain songs written by people of color, or even any piece of clothing or accessories from other cultures like headdresses and bindis, yet they still claim they’re doing “respectful tributes” when they use them just for fun…
Why can’t celebrities just remain vocally aware and vulnerable to feedback instead of justifying themselves in these moments?
I was a relatively early fan of Schumer but girlfriend is not holding up to the scrutiny of fame. Own your shit or step away. This is embarrassing.
Yeah, the brain can play tricks on you for sure. It does look oily at first, but if you look hard at all the white streaks on the legs you’ll see that it is just paint after a few seconds.