
Jesmyn Ward’s piece on the “Texas Bama” lyric really puts into perspective how tasteless it is for Amy Schumer to be wearing it on a shirt. (In addition to, you know, the whole fucking video, but this is what I’m specifically going to point out.)


Well, racism, yeah. As already noted. But she WAS so good in Belle, which is a movie I hope everyone saw because it was terrific.

I was so disappointed that Beyond the Lights wasn’t given more attention. It was stellar; both performances by her and Minnie were spot on.

please please please Neil deGrasse Tyson as Dr. Alex Murry PLEASE

As an Indian-American though, I gotta stress that one of the most important parts of this article is that only 7% of us are voting for Trump. He is absolutely detested and reviled amongst the family and friends I have who are also Indian-American (yes, I know anecdotal).

Never thought I would miss Mitt Romney.

I found myself fondly reminiscing the days when tying your dog in its crate to the roof of your car was an authentic election season scandal. Life was simpler then.

They don’t have knees on that bottom image. Photoshop of horror just in time for Halloween.

Exactly. Once he got super rich and started fucking Beyonce (and making those two things the only things he raps about), he fell off.

Though I certainly understand why he chose not to, I honestly wish Biden had run- and please don’t take that as anti-Hillary, because I have a lot of faith in her. But I often think that Biden would not only wipe the floor with Trump, but do it in such an all encompassing policy and straight-talk smackdown way that

Take away WTT from Jay’s discography and his output has been extremely mediocre since “coming back.”

I’ll take the guy who has put out a good album since George W Bush left office if you all want to be on Team Camel. That’s really the only thing that matters.

TBH, Jay was the weakest half of Watch the Throne, so I’m totally fine with that never happening again.

probably but at least Kanye isn’t crazy and an idiot

I don’t know how many ways Jay can make it plain that Kanye is just an artist to him. There has been so many things Jay did over the years. “Death to Autotune” was practically a bullet through 808's and Heartbreak.

Hell yeah. Last seasons winner designs clothes for us plus sized women that don’t look like sacks. She’s released one collection through JC Penny already & about to release her winter line.

The people planning to vote for him(?)

Yeah, I’d never heard this before and I’m fucking furious on her behalf. What the fuck do you know about shit, hoss? Get the fuck outta here. She’s a bitch for understanding diplomacy? She’s a bitch for not casting spells over other governments and just compelling them to obey us?

This is what pisses me off about this. In most mental health care facilities workers are generally paid less than $12 dollars an hour to non-violently deescalate situations like this. My mom worked in a group home and got punched so hard that she had a black eye for over a month, and if she had retaliated or hurt