
HOW WAS MAUREEN NOT KICKED OFF LAST NIGHT?! For real, how was she not even jeopardy?

I’m just LOVING this “post-racial” society, y’all!

In the book Black Robes, White Justice there is a similar story. The author, (a black judge) is awaiting medical treatment in an ICU along with a barely sapient white man reeking of booze and homelessness. The doctor, having been told “The honorable judge Wright is awaiting” him, comes past the curtain, looks at

“oh no sweetie put ur hand down, we are looking for actual physicians or nurses or some type of medical personnel, we don’t have time to talk to you” I tried to inform her that I was a physician but I was continually cut off by condescending remarks.

“This is going higher than her.”

To me, the issue is not him laughing. Yes, I do think he would have been fired if he didn’t play a long a bit. But Billy took it too far by having the actress they were meeting hug Donny Boy and him. To me that becomes active participant and not just about keeping your job.

Not to mention, I’d love to hear his excuse for, having heard Trump speak in this manner, forcing Arianne Zucker into physical contact with him and getting some for himself as well. Once again, any skilled host would have been able to prevent that, but Billy forced a woman into an extremely uncomfortable situation

There are these things called courtesy laughs. Interviewers use them all the damn time as a neutral response to get through a weird interview. Billy didn’t do that. He went in with both hands and ATE. THAT. SHIT. UP. He even goaded Trump to give up more.

There’s a stark difference between the two, and one is acceptable

Billy Bush is walking proof that no matter how stupid a Bush is, there’s always a dumber Bush in the family.

Although I’d respect her far more if she cast a vote for Hills, I’ll take 2 principled Navarros over 1 unprincipled and immature Stein voter any day of the week.

Girl, it’s not a Grammy, you can’t just dedicate it to your momma.

I forgot; who is running for president in 2016?

How? I mean did Khloe molest a whole bunch of powerless men and then run for president on the family values platform?

Holy fucking shit, I must be on some serious hallucinogens because I would swear that says LETTERS OF SUPPORT... FROM THE *VICTIM’S* MOTHER AND GRANDMOTHER... ASKING FOR THE RAPIST TO STAY IN THE COMMUNITY.

Thanks for all the FUCKING SUPPORT, Mom and Meemaw. I bet it means so much to your 12-year-old who was raped by a

Failing up is a Bush talent. They’re damn-near savant about it.

It would be so hilarious if Melania files for divorce right after the election.

Have you heard his album? I’m guessing not, because it’s actually pretty good by pop standards.

If we’re going to play this game, I’d actually put Will with Toby. Will had just enough of that IDGAF attitude to make sparks with Toby, whereas Sam was always so sweet and earnest.

You guys. I figured out why I love Beast so much. He’s basically Toby Ziegler. Mean and sad and hairy in all the wrong places, but smart as fuck and a genuinely good and lovable person underneath all those layers and layers and layers of baggage. Why is that combination of brokenness and goodness so attractive? New

Disney really can’t leave well enough alone, can they? WTF is wrong with the original?