
Was he using it as a translator? The last I saw no-one knew what he was doing, and people who had been there had said he was taking photos/video? I still think it’s kinda mean to pick on a reporter for that actually- he probably needs the photos for his piece - but the assumptions have all been there was something

Ok, A-Hath (Is this a thing? Could we make this a thing?), just don’t, J-Law fucked up, it’s innapropriate to pull the “strong woman” card for this kind of shit. Also, “FOUR TIME OSCAR NOMINATED” isn’t a “get out of jail card” for this situation.

Anne Hathaway: “Not sure why you’re all hating on JLaw. Remember me? I’m waaaaaaay more annoying.”

Hold on just a second. We all know that diversity happens in front of the camera, not behind the camera.

I mean to be honest as a New York Jew I had zero idea that Jews were a minority in this country until college.

It’s only because we don’t know what we’re missing! My friend ordered bagels from NYC for a brunch last month, and I get it now. I really do.

My heart breaks for Iman (this photo also from their wedding day), that she might have any exposure to this awful woman saying anything and everything to gain attention in the wake of his death. It’s really despicable.

Maybe around this time? So adorable.

David Bowie was a cheating drug addict. That is all.


SPOILER!: That part wasn’t referenced in the 2nd Amendment, so she hasn’t read that far yet.

I’m a member of the Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin. I have to prove my ancestry and my blood quantum by law in order to be considered a member. What she is saying is untrue and unbelievably stupid.

Yeah, she might not be completely stupid but she’s at least three-fifths stupid.

I guess republicans don’t see color anymore.

I like the mix of guests, his style, the absurd humor. The problem, I think, is that he’s much smarter than the American viewing audience as a whole. That was also Conan’s problem.

Which is a shame. Colbert has more talent in his deaf right ear than the rest of these guys.

i feel like it was less about her changing her position and more about her clearly understanding his position on healthcare and then subsequently instructing her daughter to lie about about it

She really is a bad campaigner - she uses right wing-like tactics and its so offputting to a lot of dems. This is exactly why she lost against Obama. Attacks don’t get votes on the liberal side.

That is a very good tweet. He has the receipts, as the youths would say.