
I have a lot of time for Eva Longoria, she is a bright and interesting woman. The thing that always sticks with me is what she said about tax breaks: “the Eva Longoria who worked at Wendy’s flipping burgers — she needed a tax break. But the Eva Longoria who works on movie sets does not.”

Brendan: “they said my statement wasn’t consistent”

Hold the phone, is this the first time in my life I will be able to purchase a mainstream fashion magazine in the United States with a woman who looks like me* (Indian) on the cover?!!!!

It’s such a no-brainer!

So, this isn’t a mural from the Pawnee, IN courthouse?

I’ve seen people tearing the father to shreds for leaving when commanded (by gun). I know that it’s a tragically difficult scenario to imagine, and people’s instincts are to stay with their children no matter what, but who knows what would’ve happened if he stood his ground? At least this way he was able to leave and

I don’t know if there’s a gif. out there of it but Queen Latifa was laughing at her too. There was a moment when the camera cut to her right as GaGa was making those little sobbing sounds and she made a face and leaned across the table towards someone, laughing.

i actually don’t like him but this kind of makes me want to change my mind.

It’s not just the current modelizing. It’s a long and recorded history of being an utter misogynistic dickhead.

I mean, if you watch just this video, it looks like he’s laughing at something someone said to him off-camera and wasn’t paying attention to the proceedings at all.

Exactly how I feel about him. I wish I could stop enjoying his movies.

Nothing Matt Damon has done this year lends itself to easy punchlines.

Also Jamie Foxx’s reaction to Quentin Tarantino’s offensive use of the word “ghetto” was pretty priceless.

Ricky Gervais could have had a field day with what Matt Damon’s said and done this year, but went with Ben Affleck? Um?

I agree. Especially since there’s even more widely available information about false confessions now than there was when he was convicted.

I feel like Brendan Dassey is the one who needs the most help right now. While Avery’s conviction seems quite f*cked up, Brendan came off as the real tragedy when I watched the documentary.

His face is still lighter than his arms, so I’m leaning no. I think the reason it looks so questionable is because it just looks bad on him. The makeup artist did what they could, but the fact is, he’s just too butch to be a good drag queen. He has a big ol’ jaw and itty bitty eyes. They still look tiny even with

She can really dance, and her guns are amazing. I may have just found a new girl crush.

Just old white feminists doing their old white feminist thang (and maybe trying to score a spot in Hill’s cabinet).

i’m annoyed with this. not really that they endorsed HRC- but they endorsed anyone in the primary. why bother? both bernie and HRC will be good for planned parenthood. why not wait until the general election and endorse the dem and we can all get behind it? this is just pissing off donors and causing infighting