
Leia was different.

Movies with more practical effects and less liberal uses of CGI seem to stand the test of time in a way that movies that use it more heavily simply cannot.



I wanted to add this, but got tired yesterday. But, I have to address this statement:

The movie does not make it clear that the only ships to escape were Tantive IV and the Red and Gold squadrons. Understandably, the coda is focused on the escape of Tantive IV with the plans, but I assume the destruction of the fleet is something that is made clear in the EU.

That is absolutely a fan made video. It in no way shows the making of the scene correctly. Also, we’ve had it pulled.

Please read the rest of the thread. You have it right when you say heavily touched up though. It was the actress’s face. Not a CGI overlay.

Yes! You have the right methods here. And you have put it into words better than I did. It was pretty much a choice of trickery, or hiding Fisher’s face. Because of the fact that Tarkin was showed, it would be inconsistent to not show Leia, I think. 

Yeah, it would seem everyone becomes an expert, suddenly. :)


I have. Please read the entire thread before requesting it yet again. I won’t be posting on this subject anymore. Too many replies.

Got the video pulled.

Her head wasn’t CGI like Tarkin’s head. The actual face of the actress is used.

She’s certainly prettier without the modification IMHO. But they made the morphs to make her look more like Fisher. It does look the wrong shape.

CGI wasn’t overlaid for Leia, please read my other responses.

It’s very easy, that’s why I ask you to do it. Show hidden posts, I assure you the information is there.

Tarkin’s head was a high polygon model. It overlaid the actors head and face. Leia’s face was a live person’s face in makeup, stretched and manipulated, but not overlaid to match Fisher’s chin. That’s the only difference. Two ways to accomplish the same goal. Leia’s face should have avoided uncanny valley. But, I

Please read the many other replies on this subject in this thread.

Make sure you’re showing hidden posts. I appreciate you caring about the truth. That’s why I made this post in the first place.