
This. Is. Not. Correct.

Truly a sad day here. Here’s hoping 2017 treats us a little better.

Once again, I addressed that article previously, it is not correct about Leia. It is also incorrect or outdated about Tarkin in many cases. There are many sites repeating this bad information, and some that have bothered to get the correct information. You won’t find any with trade secret information. But some have it

Looks like the thread has had enough posts that it is dropping them off now. You can review them in my post history though.

Edited would be the most accurate. Leia wasn’t a CGI overlay. If you would like to know more, check my post history or read the entire thread, which is getting difficult, because it is getting really long.

Read the whole thread please.

DragonSlayer gave me nightmares for days as a kid after seeing the baby dragons tearing the princess’ foot off while devouring her. That was, and still is pretty traumatic. For me at least.

I specifically requested sharks with frickin laser beams attached to their heads.

Yeah, I will have wasted all that money on SiriusXM.

And people in rural areas won’t have premium channels.

I think some people are seeing the jaw stretching more than was expected. She should have had the advantage in not triggering uncanny valley, but, it’s obviously bothersome to some.

A seemingly begrudging comment, but, I appreciate your cessation, nonetheless.

I said from the beginning that Tarkin looked great and that he was a technical marvel. My point has always been that he was simply used too heavily. 3-5 seconds before you realize they are apparently “animating a corpse” (a phrase my wife used later to describe her unease just prior to asking me about his face... with

I just said that it was unlikely the scenario happened as you explained it, that would be an awkward scenario between two people in a theatre or anywhere, really. I think you know what I mean.

I presented a link, that was the closest to being correct, which also said what I was saying. Though, it was a third party site, and not an official Disney site. They just happened to be right, or they knew someone at Disney and bothered to get a reputable report. I’m not going to post it again. I checked, it’s still

Please read all the posts, I explained the difference, but she’s not CGI in the classic way of overlaying a face.

There’s always going to be the wet blankets in anything, and they are obviously prevalent thanks to the internet. The quote is just plain wrong. Star Wars has NOT had a history of bad CGI. There is no universe where that is true. Byt today’s standard’s, yes, it shows it’s age. But, upon release, the movies were always

You would lose your bet. Please read the entire thread before posting again.

Please read the entire thread. Leia is makeup and lighting.

I don’t mean unsettling in the sense that they are using the likeness of dead or drastically different people. I mean unsettling in the sense that they don’t look human enough and/or alive.