
Ah! I see what you mean. That makes more sense now.

There is NOT an official source now. Just articles loosely explaining it.

“Leia spoke (hope). I have the strange sense that, even after sharing a clip right out of the movie with you, you are actually physically seeing something different from everyone else.”

For everyone but me and a few other folks in the know, it apparently is. Please read my other replies and/or post history, I explained it all there.

Yoda was FAKE??!!!

Yes! Thank you.

Ug... Stop ruining my Carrie Fisher thoughts. Ingvild Deila’s face was actually in the movie. Modified, but not overlaid.

“Okay, I’m tired of this joint, you wanna go over on Kotaku and make a Nintendo positive post to enrage everyone there?”

Okay, I’m tired of this joint, you wanna go over on Kotaku and make a Nintendo positive post to enrage everyone there?

Shut up.

My wife’s name is Leah. :P

Leia, dumbass. Learn how to spell.

Ingvild Delia’s face was actually there. It was not mapped over like Tarkin was.

I didn’t think it looked odd, Tarkin talked but Leia just changed expression.

Technically, that’s correct, just not CGI in the same way it’s traditionally used. I just wanted to make the point that there was a difference in that there was a real face on one of them.

“So that’s canon, huh, that only Gold Squadron and Tantive IV survived the battle of Scarif? That’s kind of disappointing retconning again.”

That’s my point. It was a real face and people still have uncanny valley happening. Tarkin was a bucket of CGI on top of a real person, an overlaid face . Leah was CGI lighting and makeup.

One is a real actresses’ face and eyes, no overlaid CG, except for stretching the geometry of her face shape as it turns. The other is a Digital Image overlaid over another actors face. Both are amazing, technology-wise, yet both apparently ruin the movie for a bunch of razor eyed CGI elitists. Who completely throw up

Deila’s face is never completely overlayed. It’s her real face and eyes.

That is a fan made video from a fan made website. They’re not totally wrong. There is CGI lighting and enhancement going on. The face is stretched.