
No, I understand, I really just wanted to make a single point. The face and eyes are real on Leia, but they are totally CG on Tarkin. But, people still see uncanny valley in both. I think people are programed not to trust an image when they know it can’t be real or it’s trying to fool them in some way. Like “uncanny

I’m certainly not screaming, and I’m just trying to answer everyone. That SPAM button works both ways buddy. Oh! maybe they’ll notice how I was trying to be reasonable when you started name calling! :D

Ingvild Deila’s face was actually used in heavy makeup. They extended her jaw, but her face was not completely overlayed.

Right, but Leia’s was really another actress in makeup, they didn’t completely overlay her face. My point is that the face was real, but people are seeing uncanny valley in it.

Which one? Are you being reasonable now?

Show me Disney’s (ILM’s) quote. I’m sure Michael Allen, Stéphan Brissonor or Lance Baetkey would be intrigued by your sources.


It’s possible to have a conversation with other without using names. Only the desperate fall back to name calling, idiot. :P

I don’t know either, but the Rouge One spelling does bother the heck out of me. My point is that’s not a Disney made video, it’s a fan site video guessing at the making of the scene.

It IS very cool tech. I’m just saying people are seeing uncanny valley in a real face. Her face was modified by stretching her jaw, but it is not a full overlay like Tarkin. I honestly do think Deila looks like Carrie Fisher. Maybe it’s just me.

Except I’m not. My point is that people are seeing uncanny valley in a face and eyes that are real.

This is correct, but it’s not a full face overlay. Not a paste-on effect.

The image is altered, they stretched her chin and modified her face, but it wasn’t over-layed. The closest to true info can be found here:

I know. The article says that she is CG. I just wanted to point out that while there are CG enhancement, it’s not the same as Tarkin. They used Ingvild’s face and eyes to avoid uncanny valley. There is image manipulation and CGI lighting going on.

“You she was you moron. Deila was a stand-in. If Lucasfilm and ILM consider her CGI, she’s CGI. Stop spamming people with incorrect information.”

Diela’s face and eyes were used in an attempt to avoid uncanny valley. They were not created in the same way. I am very aware of how they were created.

And I won’t ask you to. If, in the future, you see something to the contrary, it would be nice if you stopped by and said so.

Feel free to bookmark this and come back when it releases.

I love the fact that this happened. I wonder what else they might have came across in there?

They are not the same. The actress’ face was actually used.