

I’m not. But, I’ll tell you what, Watch the extra’s on the Blu-ray and then decide for yourself.

They were not the same process. The actress’ face was used in film. It was not overlayed.

That video does not show the differences in the two ways of shooting the scenes. Also, you trust a fan site that continually calls the movie Rouge One?

They are NOT the same. The actress’ face and eyes were used. There is CGI in the lighting of the face. It’s NOT the same as Tarkin.

I am not wrong. They used the actress’s real face and eyes. The only CG is in the lighting.

They did not overlay her face. It was makeup. There was CGI enhancement in the lighting.

No, Tarkin’s face was a recreation. The actress’ face was used with heavy makeup. The CGI was not an overlay, it just added lighting, enhancing the color of her face to match young Fisher’s.

She was very heavily made-up to look like young Fisher. The CGI used enhanced her look with lighting, not an overlay.

There was definitely CGI enhanced lighting on her face. There was lots of makeup and touch ups involved, but the face was real, although heavily made-up.

It wasn’t an overlay. It was makeup. The CGI was used to light her face in a specific way.

Not true. The actress’s face was not replaced by CGI. The CGI was in the lighting.

There was a lot of makeup. The CGI used was in lighting.

That’s correct. But it was a lot of makeup and a hairstyle. The CGI was in the lighting of her face.

Not true. Did you read your own link? She is wearing makeup, and the only CGI is in the lighting of her face.

There was some CGI applied in lighting, but it was mostly makeup.

It was makeup.