
Leia was real. Not CGI.

Leia was played by an actress with a wig and makeup. She wasn’t CGI.

She actually wasn’t CGI.

Leia wasn’t CGI. That was a real live human being.

It could be that several ships were still departing, and the fleet forming up. It would explain C3PO’s line, and his displeasure at the revelation.

Leia wasn’t CGI, actually.

It’s called makeup.

Leia wasn’t CGI.

Apparently you’re not as astute as you thought. Leia wasn’t CGI.

Because then, everyone would have been here complaining about that.

And Red Squadron, you forgot Red Squadron. Even the fate of the original Red Five.

A collection would be nice. Maybe on Switch. It’s the first one that’s hard to get a hold of. It’s only on 3DS right now. (Unless you have the original cart. It’s pretty rare.)

I know, but the point of this particular Shantae is that it’s a modern, HD Shantae designed for high end consoles with HD sprites and so on.

You’re right, we’re never going to agree about those things.

For me, this scene would have been great, had it not been on the first damn trailer. I loved it in the trailer, but in the movie it was “yep, there she is, finally”.

I don’t think the New York Times is credible. Not when it comes to movie reviews or other types of entertainment. Funny how you forget the reviews I presented in quantities much higher than the one bad one you managed to find. If you want, I can dissect the author’s review and show you where he is ignorant of the the

“No thanks. It was funny to read the New York Times review say precisely what I did about fanfic in an earlier response to you:

There is at least one more hardware update planned for the PS line this generation.

The pro will drop to Classic price and the Pro’s upgrade will replace the pro.