
Sooner, it won’t be PS5.

Your right, the things you mention are ridiculous for a digital storefront, but the fact is that Sony doesn’t care. It doesn’t seem to be affecting their sales in any way. It’s not going to made a priority in the future either.

Expect at least a mention of the next playstation before the middle of the year.

Sony will likely one up the Scorpio a month or so before or after release. They have too much time before it comes out to react to it’s release. And then it will begin again. I honestly don;t think we will see Playstation 5. I thinkwe will just get “Playstations” of differing power from now on, based on the same

If the mobile market wasn’t a player, you would still be correct. Microsoft, Sony nor Nintendo really fear anything from one another. It’s Google and Apple that are the real threat on the horizon.

That’s correct, to a certain point anyway, but Microsoft’s strategy of late is to wait and see what they have to do to keep up. It’s a bit strange.

Some, though far less people will pay for the newer, faster hardware. Even if it’s more expensive on the yearly update cycle. Sony and Microsoft will likely settle on High, Midrange and entry level consoles. It’s not that hard to add detail settings in the games, even if it does remove one of the major strengths of

That’s exactly the plan, even if it wasn’t when the whole thing started.

I think we are nearer to that than what you might think. Consoles are going to have to start matching the reproductive cycle of the mobile market to stay relative.

Speaking of the “state” of PS4/Pro. The last update brought really bad HDMI incompatibility issues. PS4 Pros, in particular, are experiencing HDMI handshaking blackouts. Before the last firmware, that apparently added full HDMI 2.0 support, it never happened. (To me anyway).

For whatever reason, my reply published before it was complete. Ignore the repeated content, please. I guess you can’t leave a reply in the making just sitting in another tab unpublished.

“You keep calling things facts that are demonstrably untrue. You say that the “primary protagonists” of Star Wars start out on Tatooine, which is obviously false as the idea that the sun is square. The film is told from the perspective of R2-D2 and C-3PO, who we first see on a spaceship above Tatooine en route to

Oh, I agree. I was just saying that, in the SDI’s case, it happened in the opposite manner to the subject of the article presented. I think we meant the same thing, I just somehow misinterpreted your comment. Your reply made it clearer to me.

“There is absolutely no way to claim that Star Wars implies that Leia has “seen what it can do” with regards to the Death Star. That is a complete revision of the text of the film. Tarkin’s destruction of Alderaan is a crushing blow because it demonstrates the Death Star can destroy an entire planet.

The sad truth is it will cost far more than $45 just for one character. These games make money off gouging the casual user of hundreds of dollars. They do it by the “gacha” type of in-game lottery. Sadly, mobile players pay hundreds or thousands on these games.

But, that was in tribute to Star Wars, not the other way around. It was more “keep your politics out of our art”.

But not marital prowess. He got all of the women. On the Enterprise and DS9!

“Remember the conversation in Clerks about all the contractors that died in ROTJ when they blew up the unfinished Death Star? Even the Star Wars EU has had to address the fact that a space station the size of a small moon cannot be built without massive amounts of labor. Even though enslaved Wookies were supposed to

Here, by the way, are some first impressions from Twitter.

I think he’s a new character. It’s already been said he’s at least Clone Wars era old. I don’t think he’s a Sith. I think the Sith story is done.