
Thank you Fred. I too am interested in your thoughts, and I want to make it clear that I’m not trying to change your mind or disagree with your opinions. I am/was just curious as to your disinterest based on the images you presented. I work in a related field to visual design, so I am always interested in an image or

“Oh, I’m not in TFA “defense mode,” just pointing out that it wasn’t a remake. Hyperbole won’t make it so. Thanks for pointing out that JJ himself also said it wasn’t a remake. I always love it when someone makes a comment that cuts against their own point.

That reply makes much more sense. Your first post was as follows:

I would SO buy that!

But why? Fred Smith? The Jedi are a spiritual order. They’ve saved lives for thousands of years. It would be more unusual not to see the inhabitants of this world and universe pay them the honor of great works of art.

Sold out in my area. It was like that for TFA as well. Plenty of seats some places, none others.

The Jedi wouldn’t build them, but those that worship them as heroes would. See “Earth” for example.

Because of this guy. you just made his day. See also: Fighters with no shields and blasters that fire any way but forward.

Kylo Ren is the Skywalker in TFA, he is a dark jedi, not a Sith.

You think that model ended up in Palp’s office or living room?

That was amazing convenient. that’s why I always buy two of everything.

“fully armed and operational” may have been hyperbole.”

This is a fallacy, the scenes at the end of ROTS are not necessarily chronologically taking place right after the events of ROTS. They are just summing up what happens over the next twenty years. Also, the Star Destroyer in the scene with the DS (in ROTS) is of the imperial class, which didn’t exist yet, and the

While it’s definitely implied Sidious impregnated Shmi with Plagueis’s sith power of creation, the whole thing would reference a scene, a few words and a plot device J.J. and Disney would just like to pretend never happened.

There are a lot of scenarios where a clone figures into Rey’s origin. But, I think Disney will willfully avoid any of them due to the prequel trilogy’s stigma. Also, the clone thing is too cheap and kind of bad. But so is her simply being the daughter of Luke, unless she was born without his knowledge (Jade?).

I would absolutely love to read George’s scripts.

Super cheesy, it’s terrible in fact. But Luke being the father is too easy as well.

And his old school one looked human. Sure, the new one is badass and all that, but whatever.

One of the fans most wanted “legends” characters is Mara Jade. Even if it wasn’t J.J.’s original plan, my guess is Disney will want to bring her back in her role as Luke’s romantic interest or wife. Or, in some way where she is significant to the plot.

I really, really hope not. The clone stuff is way overdone and it’s really too simple anyway. I also doubt Disney wants to directly reference the Clone Wars in any significant way at this point as they just broke themselves away from the stigma of the movies. It was a theory on day one of the release of the movie.