
Great post.

I want to agree with that, but you, myself nor anyone knows yet. It’s a pretty strong movie, with great characters and visual design, even if it does follow the original’s beat.

Correct. Hence, George’s conundrum. He was trying not to give us the same thing, while giving us more of what we wanted.

Hi Jango,

Right, we have plenty of great world war 2 movies and stories, and those stories are not focused on Hitler’s rise to power. But, it’s a great backdrop for adventures and stories of all kinds.

And you don’t think the two are related in any way? Sometimes, when you are trying hard to not just do what you did before, you can make some pretty bad decisions in logic, especially when it comes to storytelling.

As I was just explaining in another post, I’m not talking about the setting or the back story, those are brilliant and very strong. The twilight of the Republic is a great time to write stories in. Clone Wars proved it in the limited time that show had to work with.

Oh, I’m not talking about the setting and the back-story, those, of course, are very strong. I’m talking about the primary plot of the prequels. The rise of Vader, and by extension, Sideous.

I wish they would release his scripts as book, if nothing else.

But! That’s a good example of what went wrong. I prefer the Hobbit (book) over Lord of the Rings, but I hate the movies because they are not the story that needed to be told. They are spread out with needless monotonous details in order to create more than six hours of material.

There are commercial movies made in hopes of making money???! I’ve seen my last movie! Those greedy SOB’s!

We didn’t know Padme died during childbirth, in fact we were told she raised Leia at least until she was old enough to remember (in ROTJ). We didn’t even know her name or that she was royalty. But, I’m pretty sure those things were better not being fleshed out.

The light/dark struggle thing was a interesting and very Star Wars plot point. as was his fallout with Kenobi. But, no, I didn’t need to see what was the face of cinematic evil as a whiny kid. I think showing him in that way took away a lot of his intimidation and evil. Kind of like Hitler’s home video’s.

You’re right, there is a good story there, it just didn’t need to be 6+ hours long. A single movie would have done it, and probably have been good.

There ARE plenty of good things about the prequels. Lucas’ world building. The designs of the ships and most of the new aliens in the prequels were great. The worlds, the technical designs and architecture. The civilizations felt huge and lived in, unlike any other sci-fi I can think of (I just want one alien

Yes, and that’s exactly what he meant when he said “I think the fans are going to love it. It’s very much the kind of movie they’ve been looking for”.

I would kill to have the dash and XBox live from ten years ago on XBox One, it was SO much better. I miss the four screen color coded snappy quick interface and intuitive marketplace.

Actually, there is no reason you shouldn’t be able to upload them from the 3DS. The level browser isn’t there because of memory restraints. I’m betting there is no upload simply because there was no way to implement a level browser for people to download from.

It has nothing to do with being scared of the internet.

The levels are set up like a standalone release Mario game, and each level has secrets and “achievements” to earn.