
It does for me, plus you DO have access to unlimited online levels, you just can’t pick them yourself (yet).

Except 999.999% of those infinite levels suck, while Nintendo’s don’t. The game does not suck. It’s a good new Mario game.

For me they do, it’s like a new Mario game. I’m really enjoying it so far.

He’s on rebels frequently, but looks like Ezra Bridger.

So very true.

Disney is really bad about this too. You have to wonder how many times they think they can get away with it...

I’m thinking the owners of that “Ghostbusters” logo might have a bit of a case there too...

I just don’t see this. TFA was pretty dark and gritty (IMO). The murder of Solo, bloody Finn, the slaughter of Lor San Tekka and the other villagers... The billions killed by the First Order... The general mood of the movie...

I think I remember it first appearing in the “Kitty Pryde and Wolverine” mini-series. It was drawn as an almost “ninja like” outfit, and suited the storyline. Then (again, if memory serves, it probably doesn’t) they changed it to be a jacket and leotards in Excalibur. I did like the “Shadowcat” name though.

The Enterprise A in Beyond is a slightly different design than The original Kelvin universe Enterprise, but other than screen grabs, it’s hard to find schematics or even models of it. Anyone know where any are at?

Best of the bunch.

What happened to her “Shadowcat” alias and costume? I thought that was pretty decent. It’s been a long time since I’ve read X-Men.

“apparently found an unlikely mentor to guide them in the absence of Professor X: their former archnemesis, Magneto. I’m sure that will go down very well.”

At least your dad pushes the mouse. Mine hovers the mouse in the air and tries to operate the buttons (and mouse) like a TV remote. All the while cursing the computer because it’s not working.

I wish! It’s hard to be evil and do laundry.

And it depend on what you mean by “buggier”. Bethesda has “platform specific” bugs to keep all users equally unhappy.

I would like for Lucas to get a chance to redeem himself. And, I would consider his treatment the “canon” version of what happened, since Star Wars really is “his” story.

I just realized I was referring to it as “The Myst”. Too many computer games, I guess. :)

To be fair, Lucas was a little “All over the place” with this particular aspect too.

Minor repairs: