
There would be no reason to concede. Your thoughts are as valid as mine or anyone else’s. It was just a discussion.

Very true! I watched it again a few months back, after not having seen it since it first released. I was surprised by it’s Walking Dead heavy cast.

Adrenaline and shock from Glenn’s death? Adrenaline can do some pretty amazing things to the body, even sick or damaged. It’s when the adrenaline wears off that things get bad. Real bad.

Sounds about right to me. Melissa McBride was pretty much a total surprise, I think, to even the show writers. Like Norman Reedus, I’m pretty sure she was a throwaway until they discovered how great she was/is.

I seriously wonder if they had decided who was going to die by the time the cliffhanger aired. The extra time may have served to figure out the repercussions story and contract-wise for the actors.

Not for me. I need more Carol, less Carl.

I can understand the cynicism. Star Wars has certainly been guilty of that in the past.

Agreed, it would probably require a mirror bending the focus of the crystal’s beam. Far too complex for practical use, intimidating and difficult to use. Another gleeful nod to Sideous’ penchant for making everything more difficult for the little guy(s) serving him.

I haven’t got to Ahsoka yet, but I’m looking forward to it. She’s one of my top three characters in Star Wars.

That’s good enough, I guess. :)

Once again, TFA IS self contained. As you said, almost too streamlined. But, that’s apparently what people want these days. I did love the movie, having said that. I would really like to read Lucas’ version some day. I hope he releases it as a series of novels. But, I would imagine that’s not in the cards.

You said : “Am I the only one that was disgusted by that trooper?

Would pay to see, despite it being totally vacuous.

I don’t really see Phasma sporting that armor on Jakku! Oy! Could you imagine?!!

And THAT is the setup for the Phasma Fett movie!

Dead men walking.

Being promoted in the Empire sucks.

Hey Harry,

I will joining you for lunch as well. Please save me a seat.

Inquisitors are specifically trained to be inferior to Sith (and by extension, Jedi). If one grows too powerful, they are killed like any rogue force user, there can only be two Sith.