
OMG! I even know what show that’s from...

Not even this one??!

He’s peacocking. It’s not fair that hummingbirds get naturally built in, what I have to pay for, and must have lots of fashion sense for, on top of all that.

Sidequel. :P

Bladerunner has already had one sequel. ;)

Now playing

Doom 2016 is my game of the year so far.

Well said. I will add to that, as I said in another post, people should play games for gameplay. Great gameplay is not exclusive to Nintendo, but they usually put that element first.

I understand what you’re getting at here, but I’m not sure why you are singling out Nintendo. It’s a trend universally in video games. Publishers have found out that easy equals more sales. At least Nintendo make the “easy” an option in most of it’s games. For example, I absolutely hate modern FP shooter mechanics.

I understand what you’re getting at here, but I’m not sure why you are singling out Nintendo. It’s a trend universally in video games. Publishers have found out that easy equals more sales. At least Nintendo make the “easy” an option in most of it’s games. For example, I absolutely hate modern FP shooter mechanics.

I had a friend tell me this about Super Mario Galaxy. It’s too easy. I asked him to show me a savegame with all the stars collected. In a few weeks, he gave up in frustration and went back to FPS’s.

I’m one of those (apparently) weirdos that likes stereoscopic 3D. I know the headset supposedly can be used with Netflix, Amazon and non-PSVR games to simply view content in stereoscopic 3D (With the PSVR in side by side mode.). How good is the 3D picture with this feature? Like using virtual desktop to watch 3d


I don’t think Snoke is anyone revived. The evil Yoda thing was already done in the Clone Wars finale. I doubt Disney would want to use it again.

The suite supposed to be a “re-breathing” apparatus. So, it’s possible there are others in the SW universe walking around in the same getup? It’s never really mentioned that it’s a custom creation for Vader.

McQuarrie is just one of those artists whose designs are flat out amazing, even after all this time. His paintings/designs of the characters, spacecraft and droids seem better than their three dimensional counterparts as well. And it might have something to do with perspective and style that might not work with a

Hmmm, there are two Shoretrooper variants shown. All white with a red arm piece and the featured multi-colored armor. That means two releases. My poor, poor wallet. I wonder if one is an exclusive? Like blood Finn, he’s not available from the US distributor (Sideshow). He is a Hong Kong Disneyland exclusive. I got


Like the TIE pilots are given ships that have no shields? And stormtroopers are given guns that fire anywhere but where they are aiming?

I recently visited Nashville (for business). They are some of the highest quality and nicest people I’ve ever had the pleasure of dealing with.

Ah, I see. And you’re absolutely correct. But, I don’t think he was saying that everyone else should be held to that standard. He was saying, like you, that many things and circumstances cause mental issues. Sometimes, there is no catalyst for it at all.