
He’s probably too old to be Wedge. Lor San Tekka was born and grew up during the clone wars. Wedge was a just a little older than Luke. Lor San Tekka was likely referring to the adventures he and Luke went on to find Jedi artifacts after the war when Leia was still in power. He was supposed to be a close friend to the

In the article video, I can see the “before bird” examples obviously making a big difference in how the head jerks around realistically. The “after bird” video just looks like any other FPS. It reminds me of Doom 2016, movement-wise. So... a lot of effort to get back to where other FPS developers ended up, or am I

Neither are anyone else’s. I’m not trying to be a smart-ass, I just don’t understand what point you are trying to make to him.

Well said. It’s like saying “They also might find themselves needing food and sleep. Losers!”.

If you pre-loaded, be wary of patches. ;)

I want to be clear, I’m not defending iPhones, I don’t really care what phone anyone prefers and I think it’s silly that anyone else cares what anyone prefers. I just specifically remember using them in the way you’re describing. Since you are only mentioning one aspect of the OS, it’s not really a big point of

Lol, yeah, it was a joke. :) I couldn’t imagine walking around like that.

I remember.

There hasn’t ever been a delay since they introduced the scanner. The iPhone 7 probably performs the micro-animation of the icons zooming into place way faster than older models though. Even then, its a fraction of a second.

An option since iPhone original.


Oh yeah? I carry mine around like this all the time. My desktop PC is in the other pocket.

There is no difference in speed with finger scan on or off with my 6s. It’s instant.

It has always been an option since the first iPhone. It was the default method for years. You could/can use the side/top power or home button to ready the phone. One click, and ready.

That was the default on the first iPhone (Way before the OS even had a name) and an option on every version since.

iOS 10 is Skynet. We will ALL regret it.

I waiting for Jitterbug Pro. I’m tired of being a sheep. Have fun with your little Android, puny human.

I agree, it would also be cool and amusing if you could always start with the helmet and be able to lose it during the battle. It could be blasted off or there could be an emote where you could remove and toss it way. Throwing it at a Rebel player would be a nice touch too. :)

Me too!... Shit. I just posted a remark too.

But it’s not allowed by the Empire in canon though. The only thing stormtroopers had to differentiate them were their shoulder pauldrons (white, orange or non-existent). I don’t think its a big deal, it’s a game after all. But, that’s what the angry people were doing their thing about.