
I bet software development and sales was a bitch on Bothawui...

Thanks Oba... Palpatine!

Wrong Death Star.

Not to imply Kylo Ren is a Sith. He’s not.

Ilum is the planet the republic Jedi obtained their crystals from. That is still canon. I do find it interesting the name of the planet is Jedha. Since “Jedi” could be a exonym for Jedha.

I’m going to have to back you up on the Kirby thing.

I agree with you on many counts, but I didn’t want to get into specs and associated cost for parts as this is a burner account and will just kinda go away after the article gets low enough on the page.

As TheLittlestTroll said, you might need to step outside for a while. No one can predict the future. What you said are opinions. (As is what I said, mostly.)

I want one of these, but they go for $750 - $1300 every place I’ve been able to find one.

Because every system they released with higher end hardware was a failure, and the consoles with older/lower cost tech was a wild success?

Every generation of new Nintendo hardware has prompted this same comment since the SNES. It might happen one day, but I’ve heard it so many times, It’s hard not to chuckle. The same has happened with the PC gaming market. It’s always dead or dying, blah blah blah...

Being heat exhausts makes a lot more sense, seeing as the Falcon is always depicted as having burns flowing from the “heat exhausts”. So ignore my air intake comment. :)

When people keep bringing this up for the X-wings and now the falcon, you have to remember these ships are also flying in atmosphere.

Get off my lawn!

And a lot of current generation games are the same or simpler, just with tons of paint and polish thrown on top. Some don’t even have that.

Nor do titles from other generations, including this one.

While that may be true for some of their figures, I have several and none of them use the same body sculpt. Hottoys at least. Don’t confuse them with They do re-use the same molds.

Same here. :)

While that is likely a retail styrene prototype, most plastic when cut that thin and etched with detailing on it is going to warp. I’ve done some 3D printed stuff and it suffers from the same issues at that thickness, in most cases it’s worse and more fragile. Metal is the only real way to avoid it and that brings up

The first one is... not that great. The others are better. The writing style is what gets most of the criticism but the story is pretty good overall. My opinion, of course.