Melanin Monroe

“I’ve said it many times that Joe Biden needs to win in November, and I will phone bank as much as I possibly can to do my part to make sure that a Biden victory happens.”

He was filmed being handed a bottle of vodka by someone in his group who had stolen it moments before from a PF Changs.

Meanwhile every Shaniqua who has heard her name used to mean “ghetto black baby momma” by white people for decades rolls her eyes and moves on with her life. 

I’ve thought a lot about your comment because I’ve always found “Believe Women” problematic as well for the reasons you mentioned but also because our country has always “believed” certain women over others. Our history is full of examples of white women being believed because they accused a man of color of assaulting

You are not wrong. Someone posted it in a FB group I’m in yesterday, and 99% of the comments were about “the poor dog.” Which, yes, poor dog, but I was like “did you miss the part where she threatened him by outright telling him she would lie to the police and tell them he was attacking her?” And they were super hung

Let’s be honest in many cases people dont even listen or acknowledge women of color when it comes to “believe women”

It’s so maddening because 99% of women do not lie about these things. Then one dumb shit white woman goes on camera lying about these things and suddenly every WOC who comes forward with her #MeToo story is suspect.

My favorite response you’ve gotten is the idiot mansplaining what “Believe Women” is SUPPOSED to mean.

I would disagree. White women want to cry sexism over “Karen”. But, benevolent sexism allowed them to skate by in their roles in the racist history of this country and in perpetuating institutional racism now. Experiencing oppression is not a get out of jail card for being an oppressor to other people. Some black men

This. Plus, it just gave ammunition to the MAGAts to gaslight liberals.

It’s not about identifying specific white women. It’s about highlighting white women’s history of weaponizing white distress and performing patriarchal delicacy. It is the trend that matters.

That’s not the worst apology I’ve ever seen (low bar), but the bit about her privilege blinding her to the fact that for some other groups the police are not just a benign protection agency is patent bullshit. She makes a point of saying to this guy that she is going to call the police and tell them an “African

This incident perfectly encapsulates why I was never comfortable with the idea of #BelieveWomen and always got into heated debates in the comments regarding the notion that “women don’t lie about these things.” From the Scottsboro Boys to Rosewood, FL to Black Wallstreet in Tulsa, OK to Emmitt Till, White American

I’m mostly stunned that in her follow up to the original drama, she went and named ANOTHER WOMAN OF COLOR. 

I think she’s made it obvious she wants the critical respect given to FKA Twigs without putting in the cultural work of FKA Twigs (who spent a year learning pole dancing to do it justice)

Sometimes there are not two sides in a “debate” because one of them is just wrong.  She is telling women to shut up about white privilege - black women.  That’s not a debate.  That is being bigoted whether she likes it or not.  She could have acknowledged her intent wasn’t the impact, copped to the fact her language

Yeah, her pole dancing comment was especially rich. When rich white women with winged eyeliner pole dance it’s “burlesque” or “fit-tease” or whatever. 

“As of 2020, Del Rey has sold 19.1 million albums and over 13 million singles worldwide, while her YouTube and Vevo pages have combined lifetime views of 4.1 billion.”

She’s saying that all the women she mentioned are rough and tough and not delicate like her. It’s super coded racial language about white women being soft and black women being tough. I’m pretty sure Ariana was only included so as to not be so obviously racist. It’s the kind of criticism that can only come from not

If we can’t genuinely self-reflect after making a statement fraught with racism, intentional or not, we’re not going to have much of a society. OH guess what, that’s happening right now.