Melanin Monroe

From the rumours it’s the only place he’s enjoyed working because he was treated as “any other bloke” (probably not strictly true but close enough), actually got to do stuff because of his skills and not simply name, and wasn’t in the public eye.

Apparently, Harry hates the term “Megxit” because it implies Meghan was the one who wanted to leave the U.K., though it is a convenient pun. Perhaps “Susxit”

The Monarchists want the members of the royal family to suffer. It’s “noble” to stay in an abusive situation because it’s tradition. Even if Harry is very much out of the line of succession and has a family of his own he needs to devote himself to the Queen and Charles and William because! uh! Meghan is bossy and not

No, you mean a man who went to serve in Afghan partly to get away from the Press and has a longstanding issue with them for, you know, getting his mother killed might have been the one to want to leave?

Which is her way of taking issue with what she perceives as the definition of feminism. A definition that, by the way, does not exist.

Yeah her “authentic, delicate self” is Lizzy Grant, privileged daughter of a wealthy marketing exec who clearly pulled strings to get her a record deal. That’s fine, cool, lots of people get into the business via connections, but it seems odd to call out other musicians and claim she’s being persecuted for being an

I’m going to try to make this clear. Yes, Ariana is white but sings R&B/hip hop influenced (read “black music”) and we won’t even get into the cultural appropriation claims against her.

1) She could have absolutely stated her points without bringing the other artists into the conversation. 2) Is this really the hill she wants to die on?

She really did not need to name these people  in her little rant. She should just focus on her music instead of this “it’s not fair! why do they get to sing about sex and I just want to sing about lexapro and I get criticized” As if all of those women don’t get criticized for the content of their music too.

So there are no white women apart from Ariana that sing about sex? There aren’t white women doing the same thing Lana does that she can use to get her point across? It is laughable to think all the black women she mentioned don’t get criticized harshly. Lana, like Alison could have made her point without mentioning

I don’t know why she insists on bringing up “authenticity” in every one of her rants. Like, sure, you could be your “authentic self”, but you clearly never have been. (Which is fine! Artists can have a persona! Just don’t try to claim that your obvious persona is actually your “authentic self”.)

If Tara Reade says “Joe Biden sexually assaulted me,” that is evidence that Joe Biden sexually assaulted her.

When I was in high school in a small city in upstate NY, a classmate told me that her grandmother was a British aristocrat, and every summer she would visit the UK and spend time with her good friends, William and Harry. She claimed they really needed her, as their mother had just died (yes, we are olds) and she had

You’re very confused if you think a claim is evidence. It isn’t. Evidence is what proves a claim.

You are dishonestly trying to equate two things that are not the same. An allegation is not “evidence” of anything. It’s a claim. “Evidence” would be documentation that PROVES the allegation, which Tara Reade is lacking. 

We actually knew exactly who Clinton was the day we voted for him. He was a scoundrel who cheated on his wife. Still better than the two he was running against. 

Jez writers seem to be overwhelmingly pro-Bernie, and probably believe that if Reade's allegations force Biden out of the race, it will allow Bernie to ride in on a white steed to take over the nomination. 🙄🙄🙄

A pattern of grifting is a pattern of grifting. And it taints anything else you do from that point on. This isn’t Monica Lewinski. This woman was writing articles swooning over Putin just last year. There’s all kinds of red flags here. She has a pattern, Biden doesn’t. Guess which one looks more suspect here?

The Politico article could have been written about my sister. She did exactly the kinds of things attributed to Tara Reade. She was always in financial trouble, always asking for help, and more than willing to walk away and leave others holding the bag. She made up detailed stories about her life — like how she had to

I’m not sure this article really tracks with what Politico was doing. To go public with a sexual assault case against a powerful individual requires one of two things: evidence, or a leap of faith on behalf of the public.