Melanin Monroe

You can think this dude is funny, talented and trying his best. But he is also a douche bag. This dude is pulling a “Phoenix rising from the ashes” story line after dumping his wife and immediately knocking up the next thing that blinked at him. The same ex wife he praised for supporting him through his prior issues

It’s also just nonsense to say the “royal family” has survived for any amount of time. Like, I’m sorry, is she Elizabeth Stuart? Tudor? Orange? York?

You have to come from money to “see the fiscal benefits of some of the Republican policies.

She made money from training the horses her family owned on the farm they also own. Way to be self-made by getting paid by your parents.

uh, what the fuck are you talking about?

this ad is not about reopening bars, it’s about how the complete mismanagement of the pandemic at a national level, and the polluting of the message about what we need to do to help contain the spread of the disease is affecting small businesses everywhere, some of which are bars

WTF is you issue exactly? It’s a small business owner saying that we need a plan to deal with the pandemic so that it is safe to open again. JFC

“I just got tired of fucking arguing. I got tired of not seeing things eye to eye

Damn, some folks taking this shit waaaay too seriously. Chill, lmao.

Why does this exist?

Who cares. We all trying to get the same man outta office right? Why are picking apart this woman’s shoes?

You know these guys are young, and they’re trained from young to think rules don’t apply to them. In high school, they’re treated like royalty. Certain rules literally don’t apply to the team members. And violations of the rules that do apply to them are excused or perhaps result in some extra on the field physical

Oh look, yet another reason to not bother with this rather shallow looking beat em up! I have a PS4 Pro, I can play as Spidey, but I play all my multi-plat games on my X1X, this is fucking dumb. That said, I never intended on getting this at launch or in the foreseeable future anyway, it looks very meh.

Oh okay. I didn’t know you had in depth knowledge of the Sony/Disney licensing deal. Please share the links so that we can all read up on it.

Sony doesn’t own Spider-Man. Spider-Man and his whole Spider family was just in a Switch exclusive game. Where do people come up with this dumb stuff, honestly?

If I have an Xbox, I don’t have the option of paying $60 and then not receiving Horizon Zero Dawn. It’s just something that I can’t buy for my console. The difference here is, I pay my $60 for Avengers and then receive an objectively lesser product. They’re ripping everyone EXCEPT Playstation owners off.

Sony is unafraid of bought exclusivety backlash because they have never received backlash for buying exclusivety. Instead they get declared winner of E3 and MS gets shit on for co-producing Tomb Raider.

There are probably zero people who weren’t going to buy this game, but now will because spiderman was made exclusive.

It’s such poor form from Square-Enix and Sony. Timed exclusive content was already bad enough, but this is really the most anti-gamer nonsense going. Even if you have the console that gets it, like with timed exclusive stuff you know how much it sucks to not be able to talk to your mates about stuff for months, it

PlayStation Destiny player here to say: This suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks.

It’s... an odd outcome in the context of Spider Man showing up in Ultimate Alliance 3 for the Switch. I feel like Square-Enix is banking a lot more on this game being successful than Nintendo or Team Ninja did so you would presume they would be willing to fork over any necessary cash.

As excited about Miles Morales as I was, between this and the controller announcement this morning, sony kinda seems like a bunch of assholes right now (automatic reply “right NOW?”) and I’m having a hard to justifying a ps5 purchase...