Melanin Monroe

Anita used the name commercially first, which is all that matters in this case. Legally, it does not matter that they registered for a trademark and she didn’t, her use of the name to release her music created a trademark.  Besides that, the band is not even arguing over who owns the trademark, nor are they asking her

So first you said it was a “slam dunk” and now it’s a tepid “sorta”?

Elizabeth needs to go sit her ass down somewhere.

Actually, the President Pro Tempore is only fourth in line as the most senior member of the majority party. If no election is held, Democrats will hold the majority in the senate, meaning that it would fall to Patrick Leahy.

No, what you have is a fundamental misunderstanding of basic civics. Like I said before, the constitution is very very *very* specific about presidential term limits, down to the minute. Besides that, states run elections, and the president doesn’t have any authority over how states hold elections or when states hold

I wouldn’t be surprised if he has asked, nor would I be surprised if he tries to discourage people from turning out, but in any case, the only way he holds onto the White House is if he’s re-elected. He’s been pretty successful at working around grey areas of the law and the constitution, but both are very clear about

I voted for Warren in California, had she dropped out before Super Tuesday like Pete and Amy did, I would’ve voted for Biden. Also, an important thing to keep in mind is California is an early voting state and most people vote by mail here, we got our ballots in early February. Many people had already voted for

Look at this this way, states run elections, so the only person who could stop our elections is our governor, who won’t do that because we vote mostly by mail. There are also a few other states like Washington that are mail-only, so they have no reason to postpone either. None of the red states are going to postpone

Fortunately, I don’t see any scenario under which California doesn’t hold its election in November. Even if other states postpone (like an Ohio did yesterday) we already have vote by mail here, and it wouldn’t surprise me if they implemented some kind of drive thru drop off places, so there isn’t any reason for us to

Elections are run by states, Trump has no power over them. Besides that, if there is no election, his term expires in January, along with every member of the House and a good chunk of GOP senators. We have Dem governors in enough states to put the GOP in the minority, and based on the line of succession, and assuming

The long waits in California were not due to voter suppression, it’s actually very easy to vote here. We have (permanent) vote by mail, early voting (I got my ballot in early February), automatic voter registration, same day registration, online registration, you can also drop off your ballot at polling places and

Sanders undermined Warren the entire time she was in the race, constantly trying to “out-left” her reasonable plans with some ridiculous impossible alternative (her student debt plan comes to mind).

I mean... isn’t he though? Are we in disagreement about how bad Trump is? If not, that means that I WAS RIGHT AND THEY SHOULD’VE LISTENED, no matter how “entitled” is sounds. They were wrong.

And by “reacting”, OP wasn’t talking about what Sanders supporters say on the internet, but the fact that many of them stayed home or voted third party rather than keep Trump out of the White House. It’s about priorities, either you gave a shit about the damage Trump could do in 2016, or you didn’t, regardless of

And all of that was orchestrated by Obama, not Biden

Though I agree with you, I do think $2 million across all those states isn’t nearly enough for what he’s trying to do. However, I have no qualms about taking Daddy Bloombucks’ money, and using it for these kinds of causes, it’s what he should’ve been doing instead of throwing his hat in the ring of an already crowded

Also, Jesse Jackson’s influence with Black voters is practically non-existent, so his endorsement isn’t really worth much, especially in comparison to the endorsements Biden has.

A yes who can forget the looting and rioting on the streets. The turned over cars, the burning buildings, the crying babies. It was absolute carnage.

everyone’s predictions this primary campaign have been laughably wrong