Melanin Monroe

Another important thing to note is support from Black voters, who have heavily influenced Democratic Primaries since Jimmy Carter. Whoever has a majority of support of Black voters was probably going to be the nominee. Unless there was some major shift (and it looked possible with Bloomberg) that person was always

Also, Bernie is a class reductionist, which isn’t appealing to a lot of Black people either.

Of course you are, because we already know you either don’t have any examples, or whatever ones you do have will be inadequate per your own standards. The fact that you see attendance at ceremonies commemorating important people, places, and events in the Civil Rights Movement as “superficial” is proof you have no

That wasn’t what I asked you though.

Okay, you can stay mad about Bernie losing too.

What exactly do you think “outreach” entails? It’s not just rallies. Didn’t Bernie’s campaign put on a bunch of soccer games in Nevada for outreach to Latinos? Talk about superficial.

They’re definitely not voting for Bernie because he didn’t do these things. That’s the point you seem to be missing.

Well unfortunately, this election is no longer about the issues, it’s about getting Trump out and restoring order, and quite honestly, I do see the value in stopping the bleeding and getting us back on track before we start making these grand sweeping changes.

Whether you like either of them , these critiques of Sanders imply Joe Biden did something to get the black vote that Bernie didn’t when Bernie actually did more than Biden ever will to reach out to black people .

I think that attitude of “oh, so you want people to die” comes from the feeling that the problems we’re facing are very real, imminent, and that lives are genuinely at stake.

Either that or ranked choice voting. Either way not a vote gets “wasted”

In his interview with Maddow last night, he was asked if he reached out to Clyburn for his endorsement. His response? “There was no way he would support me.

The unintended consequence of this behavior, is that they’ve alienated and repelled people who don’t want to reward bad behavior, despite being close ideologically. Policies aren’t all that matter, temperament, decency, and the willingness and ability to meet people where they are and connect with them matter just as

My point was not about digs at Warren supporters specifically, but about the kinds of dismissive reactions to toxic Bernie supporters in general. A lot of people have been dealing with their rabid nonsense for the last 4-5 years, and as much as you want to lay blame equally, it was Bernie people sending snake emojis

The one with the Politico meme. It’s being used everywhere condescend to people criticizing the behavior of Bernie supporters online. And while there are plenty of Bernie supporters chiming in with “I’m not like that,” very few of them are actually stepping in to quell that kind of behavior, nor are they taking

I honestly don’t get why people are ignoring the rest of the primary map

This kind of dismissive gaslighting response is exactly why people aren’t jumping on board. It’s reflective of how Bernie deals with criticism.

I think it depends on how invested they are in the Democratic party. People more attached to ideology will probably shift to Sanders. People more attached to Democratic party victories beyond the Presidency will probably move to Biden. Some people are willing to sacrifice ideology for a tactical advantage, as there

Considering the map ahead, it probably will be by the end of March. Most of the “Sanders friendly” parts of the map have already voted.